T_T *HUGS* You can make it!!! At least the semester's getting closer to the end and Heroes is such an awesome show and so much fun to watch ^_^ Also I'm sure that you want to make Emi's present perfect so it's alright to redo it and I'm sure that she'll understand XP
XD YES! He's the main reason why I'm watching the show!! He makes everything happy and alright ^_^ Oh yea oh yea if Emi's taking commissions at the next con I go to what do you want =O?
*_______* OMG~ *EXCITEMENT* ♥ You're so nice to meee!!! ;0; *luffles* Could you request an AkuRoku (or a RikuSora) and a Yamamoto/Gokudera? o0o I must pay you back nee!!! D:
::huggles:: You can make it! Fight-o!! Don't let that school wear ya down! From what I'm hearing, you'll be all set for college if you can make it through-- freshman year'll be a cinch. (Unless you're at an insane art school. But that's okay. Because it's ART SCHOOL. And you know you wanna coooooooooome~ >3)
Comments 12
On the School + Chem hmk note: Yes, yes, yes, me too.
XD Let's both fait~o! >0<9 ... OTL
HEROES! Whoot~ ♥ I love the little Asian man -- "YATTA!!" XDD
*_______* OMG~ *EXCITEMENT* ♥ You're so nice to meee!!! ;0; *luffles* Could you request an AkuRoku (or a RikuSora) and a Yamamoto/Gokudera? o0o I must pay you back nee!!! D:
Stay well~ ::sends lots of rabu~::
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