And this just makes me love Gilbert/Preußen/Prussia more and more

Mar 02, 2009 17:55

Can't resist this quiz, thanks to emrldhrt9788

ZOMG! T-san (occhan XD) is my papa *ded* Too bad my mom isn't Greece-chan ~~; And I dun think having Alfred and Romano as your brothers is a good idea....*sweatdrops* And what's more Bela-chan as the pet....
But what amuses me the most is I got Pu-chan as my stalker while Ita-chan as my lover....*will surely dump Ita-chan for her stalker XDD* *runs away from Ita-chan's rabid fangirls* Gil is really being Gilbert here, eh? *rotfl*

And tried using other favourite characters, and these are some of the results XD;

XDDD The stalker~~~~ *stalks Rod back*

Russia as my pet and Bela-chan as my stalker.....*goes to kill herself before any of them does it* Oh, and I really don't want Sea-kun as my lover....*cries*

The "mayuge"-trio as my mother and brothers? XDD I dunno why, but Su-san as my best friend sounds <3 And comment ^^; *goes to call an exorcist because she's being stalked by a ghost XD;*

Okay, that's all, folks XD

hetalia, quiz

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