Title: Data Network and WhatsApp Author: kuroneko_987 Pairing: Yutoyama (who else?) Genres: BL, comedy, STUPID Rating: PG-15 Summary: Ryosuke is really missing his boyfriend. Is just having a chat with him in WhatsApp is bad, god?
This is hilarious and nice. somehow, i do know the feeling of frustration when internet is cut or not working the way it should be. XD but hey... thanks to that.... LOL!!! Now i do not know if Ryosuke's random typing is a good lesson or not... guess it is... xp
Nice fic, Aoi-chan!♥ This is soo funny~ (ノ≧∇≦。)ノ))… I really know how it feels when the internet connection was lost for some times *sigh* Thanks for making this, Aoi-chan♡
Hahaha I often experience the same thing with my Whatsupp!! It's so annoying when the net is so s[ow and the order of my message got mixed up! XDD but Yama-chan got what he wants becuse of it so it's fine right~~~?
Comments 22
See what happen >.<
But I guess you want it too >.
Thank you for reading and commenting Kaye-chan :'3
but hey... thanks to that.... LOL!!! Now i do not know if Ryosuke's random typing is a good lesson or not... guess it is... xp
thank you for reading and commenting Mariko-chan Xd
This is soo funny~ (ノ≧∇≦。)ノ))…
I really know how it feels when the internet connection was lost for some times *sigh*
Thanks for making this, Aoi-chan♡
without internet, I will die xd
You're welcome, and thanks for dropping by, Chiharu-chan :33
Actually I really hope you wrote the smut Part aoi-chan *whacked* LOL
Thank you for reading and commenting, Sennz-chi x3
Hahaha so you're the one making that meme! XDD
Yes, Yama-chan got what he wants, and maybe, he'll do it again? LOL
Yes I'm the one who makes that meme! I'm sorry if it looks harsh, cc:
Thank you for reading and commenting, narqissa-chi ♥♥
thank youu :33
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