Like I promised, it's weekend and I will post the translations of Anli's tweets :)
so...first one
July 4.
We have returned safely in Tokyo.... When I reached home, I slept....what, is already 6 p.m. How many hours did I slept (-ロ-;)
July 5.
It's morning ( ̄□ ̄;)!! If I would have slept with a futon, it would have been better. ( <- there you can find out what futon is) The body is a little tense, just like Gundam.
I updated the blog. "Someday again..."! Toshi-san, I allowed myself to follow you, I'm in your care. (here again, he used the word yoroshiku, which can be translated as "nice to meet you" too, but actually the word it is used to show respect and you can translated as "please take care of me) Do your best at recording (^ ^)b
I heard a thunder... I wonder if it will rain in Tokyo....A, it's bad. I don't have an umbrella...
July 6.
From now it's rehearsal time YO! The weather it's so hot, but I'll do my best. (he actually calls the weather "demon")
The rehearsal is over. (-ロ-;) From now it's time for a new song YO. (why did he used slang?!?! because I don't get it, what means "zeehaazeehaa" and "chomechome" anyway?)
Back, the drummer is recording. Chu!! Kiyo-chan is in pico pico (‾^‾) You have a strong back, don't you Kiyo...! (as you might realize I don't know what pico pico is, and I am not sure about the first two sentences)
The first stage of the work is complete! A, is Tanabata! I wonder what everybody
is wishing....I want the concert one man to be SOLD OUT!!! I don't just want to ask the star, but I want to work hard too! (and here you can find what Tanabata is
July 8.
Tomorrow performance is at 17:25 Yo. I think the gather will be more or less at that hour at Rokumeikan! We will be waiting m(_ _)m
On Ameblo! Yo! Check! "Tanabata commotion"
The announcement of the new post on Ameblo is good but... thinking now, the title is embarrassing... (maybe I translated wrong, or maybe is just him who is being paranoiac)
July 9.
O fu~a Yo~(ーoー)zzZ I couldn't sleep to well. Did everybody slept well??
The longer you leave the phone in the sun, the sound will be more strange. (I am not sure here) It seems that I have done it. In order for everyone to not collapse, let's drink water. YEAH!
The make-up is complete. Just wait for the performance! In Rokumeikan is certainly getting hot YO! Everybody, don't joke around and make sure to have water supply with you! If you fell sick, tell the person or the staff that is around you. Let's help each other! Let's make a n enjoyable live!
Departure from Rokumeikan! Thank you everybody, for participating , even though it was hot m(__)m. For those who saw Anli today for the first time and for those who come every time, let's meet on 21 August at the one man! Then, from now I will go filming Yo!
July 10.
Every muscle of my body hurts. The sunset that lights up the whole street is romantic. (there was no word that you can translate as "romantic", but in Japanese there are many structure that show feelings, and this was one of them where here actually said that the sunset is very beautiful and he is impressed, full of emotion) blog update. I'm sorry for the alarm. (I think he is talking with those who are following by mobile, like me, and he is sorry for waking us up, what a pity that in my country is still early and he IS actually waking me up every time he tweets in the morning >.>, anyway thanks for worrying Yo-1.) "Looking back on the late7/9" (and of course I am not sure about the title>.>)