Title: Tip Top Tip (Part Two) Pairing: Top!Finn/Bottom!Puck Rating:NC-17 Word Count: 2, 148 words Summary: Finn's sick of being the girl. He's convinced it's his time to shine.
It was more than that though. Somehow, they felt like they were catching up on lost time. All the years they wasted chasing dumb blondes and annoying brunettes could have easily been spent playing Xbox, eating pizza, and fucking around. That was the security Finn adored about the man laying all frazzled in front of him. It was all his. SQUEEEEEEEE
Thank you so much! And thanks for the example of what you like. I tend to prefer fluff/cutesy things moreso... So I've set myself the goal to approach their relationship much more from that angle for a while. :P
This is so fabulous it hurts. Man... he so does no more about guys and penises than Kurt! I would love love if you wrote like a side story from this where Kurt catches them or catches a gay innuendo from Finn or Puck to Finn or Puck. :D In glee. So awesome. This story is.
Currently writing a fic from Kurt's PoV of their relationship, titled "Sherlock Hummel" - it's basically him working out that their bromance was just a front for their sex. LOL
Comments 5
It was more than that though. Somehow, they felt like they were catching up on lost time. All the years they wasted chasing dumb blondes and annoying brunettes could have easily been spent playing Xbox, eating pizza, and fucking around. That was the security Finn adored about the man laying all frazzled in front of him. It was all his.
thanks for sharing!
Thanks again!
Man... he so does no more about guys and penises than Kurt!
I would love love if you wrote like a side story from this where Kurt catches them or catches a gay innuendo from Finn or Puck to Finn or Puck. :D
In glee.
So awesome. This story is.
Thanks for the lovely comment! :)
There's a part two
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