Aku Mada Shitsuji desu kara

Mar 25, 2009 00:00

1. Name: Elisabeth. But Lin shall do.
2. Age: 21
3. Gender: Female, though I'm sometimes mistaken for a male on the internet.
4. Do you have a preference for being stamped as a male or a female character? No preference whatsoever.

5. Your personality in general: A complete paradox? I'd say two main axes of my personality are alienated and protective. I have trouble fitting in, mostly because I think too much and always feel like there's a glass wall between me and the rest of reality. On the other hand, when I care about people, I can be extremely protective, to the point that I forget about myself.
I have a strong dark side that tends to scare me, and because of that I have a good dose of self-loathing. Yet I have a high ego and won't settle for half-measure. So I expect the best from myself while never believing I am capable of it. Again with the paradox?
Overall, I'll say I rely on my mind a lot, on my heart a bit, and on my common sense not often enough.
6. Strengths: Intelligent (apparently), good fighting instinct, resilient to pain, protective, very efficient when motivated, good singing voice, and pretty good writing talent. When fired up I can go on no matter what, and even if my body is on the verge of giving up.
7. Weaknesses: Overly protective at times (I think it can be smothering), compulsive procrastinator, I doubt myself way too much and at the worse times (like when ti's time to act and not angst), sometimes oblivious to feelings, especially when it comes to other people liking me.
8. Dreams: To have someone to protect. Honestly I've long ago given up hope of changing the world. I'm way too cynical for that. So I'll just make myself a place where I can be remotely happy, and I'll do anything to defend it. Finding a nice lab and a subject that makes my brain cells hum in bliss just at the thought would be good too <3
9. Fears: Myself, mostly. There are many aspects of my personality and desires that I'd rather forget about. Also, losing those I love. Losing my mind or endin gup stupid is also a major fear of mine. Amusingly enough, I recently realized that I wasn't scared of death anymore. It used to be number 1.
10. Talents: Apparently my artistic talents as a whole are pretty good (singing, writing. Drawing is average) I'm not bad at kendo and iaido. I'm also quite proud of my intelectual capabilities, though that's always relative.
11. Hobbies: Writing, reading, martial arts, music, video games.
12. Likes: The snow, walking around sleeveless as soon as I can without dying of cold, spices, very dark chocolate, the feel of fabric (though not that much the synthetic ones), mind games, music, fighting, my sword.
13. Dislikes: Cucumber, discrimination (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc), finding myself acting on any of aformentioned prejudices, most pink stuff, being powerless, strong heat or sunlight.

14. Color? Why?: I love purple and black, with green a close third. Purple is the color that spells h.o.m.e. to me. I don't really know why. Probably because it's a pretty sensual color, and the fact that it's the alliance of soothing blue and passionate red. It's a warm color yet not aggressive. And it has a soothing... texture, shall we say. Black is soothing too, and comfortable.
15. Animal? Why?: I love both elephants and Butterflies. Elephants are wise, intelligent creatures. they're closer to humans than most animals. They're very agile, especially for their size, and seem to have a personality. Some people like horses. I like elephants.
As for butterflies, well they're beautiful and ephemeral little beauties. The kind that make you want to grab the world as it is right now and savour it, because you have no idea how tomorrow will be.
16. Quote? Why?: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." From Oscar Wilde, to whom I have been compared on occasion (needless to say I was very flattered, though slightly miffed that it was because of the pervert side). Because for someone who's mind is DEFINITELY in the gutter, and who thinks herself to generally be worthless, well. Yes, let's look at the stars, people. It's a worthy past-time.
Alternative, also by Wilde: "All sins, except a sin against itself, Love should forgive. All lives, save loveless lives, true Love should pardon."
17. Music? Why?: I'm partial to Muse. Some of their songs really echo in my heart. Same goes with a couple of songs by Placebo and Linkin Park.
But my one true love is Ravel, a french composer from the XXth century. I love his piano pieces.
18. Season (Fall, Spring, Winter, Summer)? Why?: If I have to chose an actualy season I'll say winter. I love snow. Sadly, we hardly ever get any here.
However, my favourite time of the year can be split in two. It's the month and half in spring and month and half in autumn when it's already/still warm enough for me to go around sleeveless (most people are wearing coats, but I don't care), but I don't suffer from the heat. In summer I have to stay inside all day because of it, so...
19. Kuroshitsuji character? Why?: Hahaha. Ciel. I love his personality. He's so messed up, but at the same time there's a strength in him that I can't help but admire. And well, who am I to talk about messed-up.
I admit my notorious shotakon might have helped, though.
20. Least favorite Kuroshitsuji character? Why?: Er, I dunno. Grell kinda gets on my nerves, but I don't really dislike him. The freaking walrus who just arrived makes a good candidate.

Which one? Explain each choice.
21. Mature or Immature: This is always a hard one for me. I find myself very immature, yet I often stare in shock at people's actions, wondering how they can do something so immature. And my best friend says he finds me more mature than most adults. So I can't really say. maybe I'm mature, but to me it's not nearly close enough to what I should be.
22. Leader or Follower: I tend to act on my own. I don't like having to depend on people, and I'm not really comfortable with the responsability of having others follow me. I prefer to do things individually. However if put in a group I tend to lead. At least I know who i'm trusting to do things.
23. Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'm pesimistic, very much so. Yet I force myself to act optimistic. As in, take the risks as if I believed they will pay off.
24. Introverted or Extroverted: I act extremely extroverted. This means that people don't go pry into what I like to hide. So I'm extraverted but secretive, I guess you could say.
25. Free will, Fate or Neither: I don't believe in fate. Or at least not in fate as in some grand power. Fate as in "you brought your own doom", yes. But then, the choices in the beggining were made.
I believe in free will. And all it entails, the good like the bad. Talking about fate is running from your responsabilities, and I take my responsabilities.
26. Impulsive or Cautious: My heart is impulsive but my actions are oh so cautious. Too cautious actually.
27. Social or Anti-Social: I'm rather bipolar on this issue. I don't need human contact that much. I dislike generally being in a group. Yet I have a core of cheriched loved ones that I'd do a lot for. Those are always welcome, even when I'm in the moods where the very idea of seeing people make me anxious.
28. Calm or Hyper: Again, kinda bipolar? Hyperness I use to hide when in too much pain or anxiety, until I can calm down enough to take things seriously. But inside I'm very calm and calculated. And outside I can be too. It depends on the circumstances and the people I am with.
29. Family or Friends: Friends. or rather, the family I build myself. Which may include some people from my biological family.
30. Activity or Quiet: I don't mind it being quiet, but I just can't be inactive. Inactivity makes me want to scream. I must always be doing something,c reating something, fighting something, thinking something.
31. Justice or Compassion: This one is hard. On my own subject I tend to pardon people. But mostly, it's as if I didn't care. When people I love are hurt, however, I can become extremely vindicative.
When it comes to law, I believe in what will stop things from happening again int he future.

32. Would you want to have a contract with Sebastian? It depends on the circumstances. There's not much about myself I care about enough to want to sell my soul for it. For a couple of others, however, I might. People I care about enough are scarce, but they exist. To avenge or save a loved one.. I just might. I'm pretty sure I'd be going to hell anyway, so...
33. How would you react to the incompetent workers at Ciel's estate? Be honest. I'm pretty fond of them. But they are truly incompetent. I guess I'd try to do things a bit like Agni and find them a job they're better suited for, and hire more efficient personel to do their job or help them with it.
34. Just how mischievous are you? I can be very mischievious when with friends. I love teasing, it's my way of showing affection.
For the rest of the world, I don't give a sh...
35. Description or Picture: Physical description? Short, shapely, rather plump,bordering on fat, long wavy auburn hair, grey eyes.
36. Anything else: Not that I can think of. Thank you for reading? Kuroshitsuji is a manga where there isn't a char that hit me in the eye in his/her similarities to me, though there is one I identify more with, so I'm curious :3
37. Your votes:

stamped, agni

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