I got 27out of 35. Ahh thats not to bad. Though it probably would've gone better if I hadn't said "Screw this I'll just wing it!" about half way through my studying ne~ XD
I just went through my handout and found out that reading week is all screwed up. Instead of the normal weekend plus three days off, its in the middle of the week instead. So we come to school Monday and Friday and have Tuesday,wednesday, thursday off?! Someone tell me its a typo~ D:
My computers been down for weeks. It hates me. There's no other explaination D: But todays the first day of school so now I can use the schools computers for free~ Mega win! It helps take away the pain of being back in school anyways XD
Today was the last day of finals so school is officially over until september. Yayz~ Now I just have to sit and wait for the grades to be posted ._. I really think I'm about to get my very first F but maybe I'll be pleasently surprised. *crosses fingers* But good or bad I'm done for the term :D Whoot whoot!