Sep 08, 2007 16:08

[[ INFO ]] :: [[ CARDS ]] :: [[ TRADE LOG ]] :: [[ MASTERED DECKS ]] :: [[ STAMP CARD LOG ]]

8:23 AM 8/29/2008: played game: Pick A Drummer - received kiyoharu12, xjapan07 + 25MP; mastered: SERIAL NUMBER - received master badge, aya15, girugamesh10, aikaryu13 + 25MP; mastered: AYA - received master badge, kagrra11, fake10, aikaryu13 + 25MP

9:39 AM 8/27/2008: traded hyde07, hyde14, and pv-ryoujokunoame16 for kagerou01, lareine08 and pv-samuzora07 from Dee

4:01 AM 8/21/2008: got bassists02 from forum game (Question of the Week); STAFF PAY - fake10, since188914, food06 + 25 MP; played game: Slots - received pink14, spartalocals10, pv-ryoujokunoame16; took hormone06, moidixmois10, pink13 and layout10 as deck freebies

11:29 PM 8/20/2008: received wtf04, kagrra10, nightmare05 + 10MP from donating deck images (Theme Deck); mastered: Nightmare and Sugizo - recevied aya06, serialnumber04, hakuei06, abingdon07, metronome03, alicenine06 + 50 MP (25 x2)

6:04 PM 8/18/2008: traded direngrey03, pv-ryoujokunoame11, pv-owaritomirai04, hide09 and hide13 for lareine07, megamasso02, plastictree14, pv-snowscene12 and pv-snowscene18 from Dee

1:22 AM 8/17/2008: took dolly10, unsraw15, hyde07, sug08, aikaryu13 as freebies; played game: Lyrical - received kagerou15, hide09 + 5MP; played game: Word Scramble - received bassists08, kiyoharu13 + 5MP; played game: Easy Puzzle - received hakuei11, pv-nephilim14 + 5MP; played game: Hard Puzzle - received backhorn06, existtrace05 + 15MP; played game: Memory - received nightmare03 + 5MP; played game: Spilled Milk - received atsushi11 + 5MP

7:36 PM 8/10/2008: got since188906 from forum game (Question of the Week); STAFF PAY - direngrey03, malicemizer12, olivia09 + 25MP; LEVEL UP - received aya12, aya14, bis07, spartalocals12, pv-ryoujokunoame11 + 20MP

5:41 PM 8/8/2008: traded quruli04 for 176biz10 from Dee

5:19 AM 8/5/2008: STAFF PAY - pv-ifuuseikikou04, mucc13, heart09 + 25 MP and 1 choice card coupon

6:14 PM 8/2/2008: played game: Spilled Milk - received since188907 + 5MP; played game: Card Mix-Up - received megamasso03 + 5MP; played game: Hard Puzzle - received zwei07, plc03 + 15MP; played game: Memory - received pv-kyuuketsu07 + 5MP; traded direngrey11 for hakuei05 from Doc

7:13 PM 7/31/2008: played game: Pick A Drummer - received hakuei02, serialnumber06 + 30MP; played game: Easy Puzzle - received tommy12 + 5MP; played game: Lyrical - received atsushi04, pv-samuzora20 + 5MP; played game: Card Match - received larcenciel15 + 25MP; played game: Word Scramble - received dollismarry08, pv-nephilim03 + 5MP

1:51 AM 7/29/2008: traded pv-samuzora12 for kiyoharu15 from Shinsou

6:00 PM 7/27/2008: played game: Hard Puzzle - received aya0, kurt13 + 15MP; played game: Memory - received pv-kyuuketsu06 + 5MP; played game: Spilled Milk - received kishidan15 + 5MP; played game: Card Mix-Up - received hyde14 + 5MP; played game: Slots - received nanakitade03, spartalocals01, zwei08; played game: Impossible Puzzle - received dollismarry03, existtrace0, heart04 + 50MP; played game: Word Scramble - received ; pv-samuzora16, lareine13 + 5MP; STAFF PAY - kagrra09, fake15, lareine15 + 25MP

9:36 PM 7/26/2008: traded direngrey05 and direngrey07 for 176biz12 and 176biz13 from Dee

4:51 PM 7/25/2008: got zwei06 from forum game (Question of the Week)

10:34 PM 7/24/2008: traded gazette04, pv-ryoujokunoame03, pv-ryoujokunoame06, and pv-ryoujokunoame19 for atsushi05, atsushi12, pv-samuzora01 and pv-samuzora12 from Dee

5:09 AM 7/24/2008: got pink05, bis07, 1201215 + 10MP for donating deck image (theme: pink)

5:56 PM 7/23/2008: traded dangergang05 for existtrace02 from Shannon and swapped member cards; took kurt03, aile01, lareine01 and lareine06 as deck freebies; played game: Easy Puzzle - received unsraw14 + 5MP; played game: Lyrical - received phantasma13, pv-snowscene13 + 5MP; played game: Card Match - received direngrey05, screw01, pv-kyuuketsu15 + 25MP

6:41 AM 7/23/2008: traded megamasso05, megamasso06, malicemizer06, screw05, tommy11, tommy15 for abc03, kiyoharu11, kiyoharu14, larcenciel04, nanakitade14, sugizo15 from Becca and swapped member cards

8:40 AM 7/22/2008: STAFF PAY - quruli04, atsushi09, abingdon04, 1 choice card coupon + 25MP; took kishidan01, phantasma15, since188902, atsushi07, pv-ifuuseikikou17, pv-loosersugar13, pv-nephilim15, pv-ryoujokunoame03, pv-samuzora05, pv-snowscene20 as deck freebies; played game: Spilled Milk - received direngrey13 + 5MP

7:34 PM 7/21/2008: LEVEL UP - received kagrra05, nightmare06, aikaryu05, dolly06, pv-ryoujokunoame06 + 20 MP

10:13 PM 7/20/2008: played game: Hard Puzzle - received pv-ryoujokunoame19, direngrey11 + 15MP; played game: Card Mix-Up - received gazette04 + 5MP

11:31 AM 7/18/2008: traded girugamesh02 for sugizo03 from Kat

9:36 AM 7/17/2008: traded kana08 and dangergang07 for kiyoharu02 and penicillin08 from Brii

2:40 AM 7/16/2008: traded sugizo04 for kagrra12 from Dee and swapped member cards

6:59 AM 7/15/2008: took aya04, aya05 and sugizo02 as choice card freebies; played game: Easy Puzzle - received sugizo04 + 5MP; played game: Hard Puzzle - received nanakitade12, charlotte12 + 15MP; played game: Card Mix-up - received aya11 + 5MP; played game: Lyrical - received bassists09, serialnumber10 + 5MP; played game: Card Match - received anna08 + 25MP; played game: Impossible Puzzle - received food11, hakuei13, larcenciel06 + 50MP; played game: Spilled Milk - received serialnumber08 + 5MP

11:52 PM 6/28/2008: took pv-owaritomirai04 and pv-kyuuketsu16 as freebies

11:29 PM 5/23/2008: played game: Blurry Photo - received direngrey10 + 5MP; played game: Easy Puzzle - received screw09 + 5MP; played game: Lyrical - received chariots06, nightmare13 + 5MP; played game: Card Match - received hakuei08, ayakamiki14 + 25MP; took bassists01 as freebie

1:25 AM 5/18/2008: played game: Card Mix-up - received sug12, food12 + 5MP; played game: Hard Puzzle - received vidoll01, food01 + 15MP

11:45 AM 5/17/2008: Mastered MIYAVI - received aya02, dangergang07, dangergang02 + 25MP

8:37 PM 5/14/2008: played game: Easy Puzzle - received kagerou09 + 5MP; played game: Card Match - received sugizo14 + 25MP; played game: Lyrical - received kagerou04, ancafe11 + 5MP

11:30 PM 5/11/2008 played game: Easy Puzzle - received ancafe15 + 5MP; played game: Hard Puzzle - received screw05, schwarzstein10 + 15MP; played game: Card Mix-up - received zoro14 + 5MP; played game: Spilled Milk -received penicillin11 + 5MP; took pv-beastofblood01, pv-beastofblood02, pv-beastofblood03 and pv-beastofblood04 as freebies; traded girugamesh09, chariots10 and chariots13 for abc09, kiyoharu08 and kagerou07 from Shinsou and swapped member cards

2:30 AM 5/8/2008: played game: Lyrical - received girugamesh02, megamasso06 + 5MP; played game: ; received onmyouza13, plastictree01, aikaryu10, despairsray01, aya08, plastictree02, miyavi14, nightmare04, aya01, hakuei01 + 40MP for LEVEL UP; received bassists06, megamasso05, kra14 + 10MP for donating image to Theme Deck

12:34 PM 5/4/2008: mastered X Japan - received ayakamiki05, 1201212, miyavi06 + 25MP; mastered Kra - received penicillin13, lolita23q10, miyavi12 + 25MP; traded in doubles (fake09, hakuei12, kra10, lolita23q12, serialnumber12) - received backhorn10, 1201201, tommy11, xjapan08, penicillin12; played game: Hard Puzzle - received shiinaringo09, chariots10 + 15MP; played game: Spilled Milk - received nanakitade15 + 5MP; traded hide06 for nightmare09 from Mrowr and swapped member cards; took chariots13 and zoro05 as deck freebies

11:28 AM 5/1/2008: played game: Easy Puzzle - received penicillin04 + 5MP; received food15, j04, gazette12 + 10MP for donating deck images for "Theme Deck"; played game: Lyrical - received screw13, j14 + 5MP

5:14 PM 4/29/2008: played game: Lyrical - received hakuei14, penicillin15 + 5MP; played game: Missing CD (silver) - received miyavi04, abc06

5:13 PM 4/25/2008: bought xjapan11, kra14 and kra15 for 420MP

12:44 AM 4/23/2008: traded girugamesh12 for nanakitade07 from Shinsou; played game: Missing CDs (gold cd) - received abingdon10, vidoll13 + 15MP; took serialnumber07 and serialnumber15 from Card Claim forum; played game: Easy Puzzle - received shiinaringo01 + 5MP; played game: Hard Puzzle - received hakuei03, hakuei12 + 15MP; played game: Impossible Puzzle - received kiyoharu13, sug02, onmyouza10 + 50MP; played game: Card Match - received spartalocals14 + 25MP; played game: Spilled Milk - received larcenciel08 + 5MP; took penicillin01, penicillin08, kagerou08 and tommy15 as freebies

12:57 AM 1/24/2008: played game: Pick A Drummer - received miyavi07, kra13 + 25MP

1:12 AM 1/23/2008: traded akfg11 for nanakitade11 from Dulce and swapped member cards

12:14 PM 1/20/2008: played game: Lyrical - received sugizo04, malicemizer06 + 5MP

7:28 PM 1/18/2008: played game: Easy Puzzle - received larcenciel14 + 5MP; played game: Spilled Milk - received fake09 + 5MP; played game: What Album? - received 176biz02, existtrace12 + 5MP; took dollismarry12, hakuei07, hakuei10, hakuei12, nanakitade6, screw11 as deck freebies

1:38 PM 1/12/2008: played game: Hard Puzzle - received j15, malicemizer11 + 15MP; played game: Impossible Puzzle - received miyavi11, serialnumber14, kamotsu01, aya07 + 50MP

2:28 PM 1/9/2008: received kagrra15, larcenciel10, 1 choice card coupon + 15 MP for donating deck images; took abc11, onmyouza08, aya03, aya10 and aya13 as deck freebies; took sug10, kiyoharu07, nightmare15, kra10, fake09, 1201214, girugamesh12, kamotsu02, 2 1 choice card coupons + 75 MP as randomizer freebies; played game: Easy Puzzle - received kagrra08 + 5MP; played game: Hard Puzzle - received kra11, j11 + 15MP; played game: Spilled Milk - received sug07 + 5MP; ; played game: What Album? - received kagrra03, doremidan07 + 5MP; played game: Lyrical - received nightmare02, hide06 + 5MP

6:36 PM 11/13/2007: bought xjapan07, xjapan09, xjapan12, kra05 and kra06 for 700MP

4:15 AM 11/12/2007: played game: Hard Puzzle - received nightmare11, sugizo08 + 15MP; played game: Spilled Milk - received sugizo10 + 5MP

6:56 PM 11/9/2007: mastered Glay - received xjapan05, serialnumber12, inugami15 + 25MP; received kana02, lolita23q12 + 5MP for 3 Lottery matches

3:01 AM 11/9/2007: played game: Easy Puzzle- received kra12 + 5MP; played game: Card Match - received ayabie04, nightmare08 + 25MP; played game: Lyrical - received miyavi10, kagrra07 + 5MP

9:56 PM 11/7/2007: played game: Complete the Deck (direngrey) - received serialnumber05

4:36 PM 11/7/2007: traded three choice card coupons for glay08, glay10 and glay11

7:57 PM 11/6/2007: played game: Missing CD (found silver CD) - received sugizo12, existtrace10; received one choice card cupon for "Collect the Deck"

7:24 PM 11/3/2007: played game: Pick a Drummer - received charlotte07, eveofdestiny04 + 10 MP

10:19 PM 11/1/2007: played game: Missing CDs (found gold cd) - received akfg11 and miyavi08 + 15MP

2:30 PM 11/1/2007: played game: Easy Puzzle - received plastictree15 + 5MP; played game: Hard Puzzle - received dangergang05, sugizo13 + 15MP; played game: Spilled Milk - received larcenciel07 + 5MP; played game: Impossible Puzzle - received kiyoharu03, 1201211, malicemizer04, doremidan06 + 50MP; played game: Lyrical - received 176biz11, kiyoharu10 + 5MP; played game: Blurry Photo - received lolita23q10, kiyoharu09 and kana08+ 10MP (5+5); took glay06 and xjapan03 as freebies



japanese heroes tcg, tcgs

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