Mambo no. 5

May 31, 2010 00:43

"..A little bit of you makes me a man."

I've not posted for about 14 days, which makes it 2 weeks, which makes it half a month. An accomplishment, no?

Right, so my holiday kickstarted with Mei An begging me to do faceups for her boys. Yeah, so I got a holiday job, so it's not too bad.

Anyway, here's Savato, a Leekeworld limited tan Mikhail, and the very first tan doll I paint. Surprisingly, it wasn't that difficult. My faceup skills aren't that rusty. Must be the brush I was using.

Doesn't he give you that godly aura? He's like " I'M-AN-ANCIENT-EGYPTIAN-GOD. BOW-DOWN-TO-ME." 8Dv
Ari, on the other hand, wasn't faring so well.
Mei An paid Alice (yeah, THE disgusting Alice from alice88 near Bugis street. God, she sickens me sometimes) a $100 for some crap faceup, rough sanding, and a Snape nose.

Hooked nose, poor DoD Si. D:

Urgh, I don't know how she managed to tell herself that this was professional material.

He looks like a doormouse. I cleaned his faceup today and well, the 'things' on the upper eyelids don't come off no matter what I try.



Just 4 more days~ It's expensive to be an animal these days.

dolls faceups

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