Have you ever requested a fic in a "pollyanna," and then had the response come back to you as... not quite what you were hoping for?
Have you ever participated in a fic request challenge, and then been assigned a request you... kind of wish you hadn't been?
Have you ever written a request fic for someone, and agonized endlessly trying to guess what they would and wouldn't like?
If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes," then this may be the request challenge for you!
This is the April Fools Fic Exchange. Like any other fic exchange, here's how it works: you put down your name and request a fic of your choice. Your request will be given to someone, and you will in turn be assigned someone else's request. Simple, right?
But here's where the catch comes in: the object of this challenge is to write the opposite of what your request asked for, while still obeying the letter of the challenge. You must find some way to turn your challenge request inside out, upside down, and backwards -- while still technically writing the request!
For example: suppose you receive the challenge "Kurogane and Fai, fluff." Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write a fic that fulfills the requirements while still being exactly the opposite of what the requestor meant. For instance, you could write a fic in which:
...Fai has a nightmare and rips up a mattress or a pillow with vampire claws.
...Fai sets something on fire and Kurogane has an accident with a fire extinguisher;
...Kurogane has to explain to Fai how he managed to get tarred and feathered;
...and so on, and so on.
Sounds like fun? It should be -- but don't forget, in the meantime, somebody is doing the same to your request!
Here are the rules:
1. The challenge will run from today until April 1st. All fics must be posted by 11:59 PST on April 1st.
2. If you enter the challenge, you are agreeing both to make a request and write someone else's request. No half-measures.
3. The wording of your request cannot be too specific. "Kurogane and Fai go clubbing, get drunk and get involved in a drag contest, then make out on stage, pass out and forget everything, and only find out about it the next day when Syaoran sees the pictures published in the newspaper" is too specific. Instead try something like "Kurogane and Fai, drinking, crossdressing and newspapers." Your request should have a maximum of ten words including characters, settings and themes.
4a. When making a request, your prompt must be something that you actually want to see. This is not a game to make your challenge as difficult as possible for the writers within ten words.
4b. When writing someone else's prompt, you must obey the letter of the request.
5. When claiming a challenge to fill out, it is first-come first-serve. Like in a Secret Santa request exchange, the details of who gets whose request will be confidential until April Fools'. More details as to how this works will be given when the claims post is put up.
6. All ratings, all pairings, and all applicable kinks are acceptable -- but when they are posted they MUST BE LABELED.
If you want to sign up, then reply to this post with your prompt. I will leave this post open until Sunday, so you have time to think about what you want to ask for. Remember, if you make a request, you are agreeing to write for someone else's request as well!
The request post is now closed. Please go
to the claims post to claim a request.