Title: Officer Tora's coffee boy
kurrren Pairing: ToraxNao
Rating: PG
Genre: AU, fluff
Summary: 'Nao had worked at this police station as the so called ”coffee boy” for a total of 6 months and he had been infatuated with officer Tora for 5 months, 29 days and 15 hours.'
Comments: A gift for
xcoffee_smilex because she's such a cutie.
He looked up from his fiddling with the pink and black apron and a startled gasp escaped his lips as he saw officer Tora... Shirtless officer Tora.. )
Comments 16
But... I tried to read it and I got confused here and there, as if the start is the end and the end is the other way around @.@;;;
Overly shy!Nao is cute as he is~
But still, good job on this fic ^^
Well I can't really understand how the beginning would seem like the ending and the ending as the beginning since nothing distinct happens in the beginning that is very end-ish 8D or well.. to me at least :)
Thanks for reading&commenting
Nao: What the-- How can I be THAT shy?!
Tora: You were so cute, even in Nico Nico, fans can't help but squeal at your cuteness~
Nao: I am not a coward!!! *a rubber snake drops on his head* O.O Ahhhhhh!!!! GETITOFFMEGETITOFFME~!!!!!!
Saga: Yep, scared AND cute~
(The comment has been removed)
And thank you :)
Glad you added more to the end. That was a good finish
Thanks for commenting (unlike me)~
You're welcome (yes you bad non commenter)
It's so cute and fluffy haha ^^ i like this very much.
Thanks for commenting! <3
Thanks for sharing! xD
And yes, Tora has to thank Saga 8DD
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