State of the Community

Dec 07, 2010 16:13

What's this? A Serious Business post right before the episode we're dying to see; the last one before the hiatus? Yes, because I KNOW YOU'LL BE LOOKING!  Read this, and by the time you're done the episode post might even be up.

As you may have noticed, this morning we hit 2000 members and have a little celebration going on over here. You should definitely check that out, too! But 2000 members is a good place for a State of the Comm. We have stuff coming up to tide us over the hiatus, too - keep an eye out for Thursday!

You may have noticed that I'm a pretty laissez-faire sort of mod. You guys are really good at policing yourselves, and we've had amazingly little wank for a community this big and this active. So a lot of this rule stuff will be reminders.

1. NO CHARACTER BASHING. Seriously. Although I shouldn't have to say it, this means that threatening violence on any character will get you banninated if you keep it  up after a warning.  If you wouldn't want to hear someone say it about your OTP or favorite character, don't say it about someone else's. rebootuniverse  is going to talk about this in detail.

2. I'm fine with srs bsns discussions that may arise because of this ship, but keep a civil tongue in your heads. You're doing amazing with this, and some great conversations have taken place about LGBT issues all over the world. &hearts to you all for that!

3. NO SPOILERS OUTSIDE OF A CUT, including icon teasers and fic summaries. Something is considered a spoiler until a week after the episode airs. IE, anything that happens in episode 6 cannot be discussed outside of a cut until episode 7. We're doing pretty good on this, but I have noticed some spoilery icons. Keep an eye on those, please.

4. An untagged post is nobody's friend; please use them. Page-a-mod if you think we need a new one!

5. All community promotions, including those for RPs, must be okayed by a mod first. If you are uncertain about anything, page us.

6. Download posts need to be friends-only.

7. Please standardize your header, using the format below, and place your story or artwork behind a cut or as a link to your journal or host site. Keep your cut-text PG-13!

Media: (ex. Fic, Art. Fanmix)
Spoilers (If any):
Warnings (If any):
Word Count:

Now for some guidelines, as opposed to rules; the mods are the final arbiters here.

Look before you post something to make sure 4 other people didn't just post it. We get overlap, believe me, and we're all crazy excited about that promo or Darren's music, but check first, ok?  Otherwise we're just going to delete your post w/o warning (or rather, here's the only warning you're going to get).

A touchier one: RPF is fine, discussion of the actors is okay (Darren especially has an active professional life outside of Glee), but if the mods feel it's too invasive or gossipy we'll ask you to take it to ontd or ontd_glee and delete the post.

Hey guys! pyroclastic here! You might know me from such things as giving you author tags and posting download links. If anyone has a post that has NOT been given an author tag or an artist tag, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I'm, sadly, not perfect so it's entirely possible that I missed a post here or there. If you do not get a comment from me saying that I've given you an author tag within 24 hours of your post, SEND ME A PM! and I'll get on it ASAP. :)

Thank you guys for making this community amazing. I think this is the best behaved community in the entire fandom.

Now about those tags:

Fics/art should only be:

* author tag
* rating tag
* media: fic tag

Icons should only be:

* media: icon tag
* artist tag

Spoilers must have (in addition to media and/or actors tags if applicable)

* !spoilers
* episode tag (eg: s02e08)

Tags you need to worry about

* actor tags are for articles, interviews, and video that contains either Chris or Darren or both of them but NOT FOR RPF.
* !discussion is for posts meant to act as a community-wide discussion
* !download is for download posts. These posts MUST be members-only.
* !interview is for articles and video that feature an interview.
* !promo is for community promotions (must ask for permission before promoting)
* !spoilers is for posts that contain spoilers for week old episodes or future episodes
* !starkid is for posts containing content related to Darren’s work with Starkid Productions
* artist: ____ is for art posts by a certain artist - ONLY TAG WITH YOUR OWN USERNAME
* author: ____ is for fic posts by a certain author - ONLY TAG WITH YOUR OWN USERNAME
* media: fanart/fanfic/fanmix - are the media tags for art, fics, and mixes
* media: graphics/photoshoots - is the media tag for artist-made banners, layouts, etc. and also for photo dumps of Chris/Kurt and/or Darren/Blaine
* media: icons - is the media tag SPECIFICALLY for icons
* media: music - is the media tag for music by Glee, Darren, or Chris, or remixes of Glee music
* media: video - the media tag for any post which contains an embedded video or a link to a video
* media: web - this is for polls on off-LJ sites
* rating: _____ - review the ratings here
* s2____ - the episode tags are for spoilers, discussion, etc.
* wip post - to be made/used only with mod permission


* !modhat, !pageamod, !rules, !services, !weekly rec post (8ways also has permission to use this), thisistotallyawesome,

This is rebootuniverse  and we need to have a little chat about bashing. We don't allow any type of bashing in the community at all. And character or pairing bashing in comments will be screened, and in news/spoiler posts we will ask you to remove anything from your original entry we find steps over a line.

We've had several people ask for clarification over what is considered "bashing" because they've either had something screened or they want to avoid having something screened, so I made a little guide to help you through it.

There's basically 2 types of bashing we look out for, the Obvious Bashing and the ~Underhanded Bashing.

The Obvious Bashing is easily recognizable (lol duh) anf often includes violence. An example, and something that we will never allow to go unscreened would be:

"Ugh can Brad just go DIAF already?"
"I am seriously ready to punch that Cheerio in the face."
"Hi, Pavarotti meet my friend the hockey stick."

These are all examples of things we will screen immediately. Any violent comments about the characters/pairings/cast will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

We understand if you make this mistake a few times, in the ~heat of the moment that is the Episode Discussions we get it. But anyone found consistently making hateful/violent remarks will be banned from the episode discussions if we deem it necessary. If we find you making those comments in news posts we will ban you from commenting completely. This is a community for fans of the Blaine/Kurt pairing not a space for hate.

Then there's the Oops! I Bashed Again! kind.

This is a ~subtler kind of bashing. You may not even realize you're doing it. It's not violent, but it still is insulting to the character, and fans of the character. Usually it's when you end up focusing to negatively on a character instead of their actions or the scenes.

Example of what would be screened:
"OMFG the VA coach is so creepy, I feel like he raped me through the screen."
"Artie is the biggest asshole in the history of Glee."

The truth of these statements is not up for debate, it's about whether they're appropriate. Yes, the characters have moments of extreme douchiness but there's a difference in calling them out, discussing their actions, being a tit about it, and letting them get the best of you in your comments.

What we would allow:
"The Va coach is really creepy."

(In this case, it's just toned down. We get it, you find it creepy. While we prefer you use "That scene was really creepy" and "He was acting really creepily in that scene" as long as your comment doesn't go to far into the insult we will not screen it.)

"I really hate the way Artie is acting this season. He's extremely misogynistic and it's making his unlikable for me."

(As long as you're discussing the characters actions vs. arbitrarily insulting them, you're not bashing. The characters can be dicks, there's no reason to ignore it, but there's also no reason to insult them more than discuss what you dislike about the character.)

With this kind of bashing however, a lot of it is on a comment to comment basis. Some comments may fit the requirements, but still come off as bashing, or some comment might seemingly have bashing in it, but overall it's a discussion on the character and the actors.

In order to try and avoid doing this type of bashing (or any other) yourself, just wonder how you would feel if someone was posting about your favourite character, we don't want anyone feeling like someone they like gets hate on here while others don't. If you're worried about how a comment sounds, try rewording it or just leaving out the negative parts and keep the flail, that's always a safe bet.

Ultimately, context is important with this particular type of bashing, so if we screen one of your comments because of it, don't worry. We get it people make mistakes, it's extremely easy not to hear how a comment might sound to someone else, especially someone who is a fan of the character, so we'll just screen the comment and move on. You're not in danger of being banned unless we find it's becoming a huge problem, but even then it will most likely have to be extended to violent bashing. We try to catch as many of these comments as possible. But with the growing comment count (♥) it's harder for us to make sure no comments fall through the crack. If you're wondering why something did not get screened, feel free to send me a link to the comment and I'll either screen it or explain why it wasn't screened. The same goes for why a comment WAS screened, if you feel something you wrote was unfairly screened, feel free to PM me and I'll either explain why we felt it was bashing, or how we hit the wrong button.

In the end, this is a place where people can come to flail and frolic down the hallway in slow motion, and we're not going to ruin that by having some anons walking it at regular speed and being tits about it, everyone is welcome to prance down our hallway.


You guys are just LOVE all the way around, and feel free to make suggestions or add discussion, okay? You make this place a haven of glitter and ridiculousness.

!mod hat, !discussion, !rules

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