March 11, 2005
Forward Movement
March 10 brought in moving ahead energy. The timeline was ready and on Thursday the energetic steps began to move us ahead with more rapid speed.
When the energies bump up in this way, it creates a variety of results. Dizziness, vertigo and a spinning sensation can be felt as we are literally spinning into the next dimension with the help of the cosmos.
"Mer-Ka-Ba means the Spirit / Body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of Light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports Spirit / Body from one dimension to another." And this is precisely what is going on.
As the energies continue to "bump up" and assist in our movement into the higher realms, all is captured within this newer vibration and must align. This new blast that occurred on March 10th will begin the process of Earth aligning by creating a "release" of old energies geographically.
The necessary steps had been completed that began in December and now it is time for the next phase. As 2005 is the time for the New Planet Earth to be prepared to be created, a clean slate, so to speak, will now be prepared through a cleansing process and this New energy has come to begin this process. It is time.
As this blast of energy reaches the Earth, it will build up and create a chain reaction of movement, release and cleansing. In a sense, the energies have been in place for some time, and now we will experience this manifestation in the physical to a great degree.
For those who have been in the higher realms for some time, the outer collective manifestations of our world and society have become very out of tune with where we are vibrating. And as more and more of us begin to "tune up", we are really preparing ourselves for alignment with the higher ways of being.
As I have said many times in past weeks, the time is up. There has been much opportunity and much time to chose the higher vibrations of being with a much greater embodiment and connection to Source energy, and now the lines have been drawn and the process begins with great fervor.
Ahead we a going, and as these "bump ups" increase exponentially, it will now be impossible to ignore them. But again, this will affect us in a variety of ways. Those that have come far in their ascension process and who began it first, have been existing in a space of alignment with the higher ways with little resonation with our outside world. They are more than ready to begin creating the New.
Others are in different phases and were much more affected with the fast forward moving energies that began in December and are just now beginning their process. And still others are somewhere in between, while yet others who have chosen to remain are still yet unawakened and will greatly benefit from the guidance of lightworkers.
No living thing on the planet will be unaffected by the higher vibrations. Everything is moving into the higher realms and at a time and in a way that is appropriate for them.
How to best support this process? In the higher realms, there are no attachments and everything is in the Now. It is much easier to let go and release everything you can.
It is that energetic situation where once you release something, you get it back. Once we let go and stop holding on in all ways, we are then elevated to the higher realms, and once there, we can have anything we want anyway.
The ascension process has many great by-products. One is that we arrive at a place where we really do not care anymore. This is an important aspect of vibrating higher. For if we care greatly and are then greatly attached to an energy or belief, we will be vibrating it in both the negative and positive ways and continue to create it around us, as well as having it hold us back by keeping us in the lower realms.
As we vibrate higher and higher, we are noticing how much "baloney" we have been tolerating. Anything not in direct alignment with Source seems to stand out like a beacon. We are becoming clearer and clearer about many things, and more and more intolerant about many things as well. We are just becoming higher level beings and beginning to see things in a higher way.
Becoming clearer and seeing things in a higher way is how the non-physical beings see things. We are now, then, beginning to join them in their world and will have no need for channeled information. But we are only just beginning, as we will continue to move ahead vibrationally and assist even the non-physical beings as the angels we will become.
And again, there is a great variance in channeled information because at the even more higher realms, we know that we are creating and making everything up according to how we vibrate and what is important to us or what we are still holding onto. All is an illusion. This is why there is so much differing information out there. Nothing makes any difference. We have just made everything up. We are just creating realities within realities, and that is what it is all about. It is supposed to be fun! You can choose the one that is right for you, or better yet, make up your own!
If we can trust, let go and be willing to jump into the unknown, we can find ourselves in a very New space of a higher realm. The more we hold onto old ways that provide security and familiarity, the more stressful and uncomfortable our lives will become. The old ways are no longer in alignment. This can be challenging at first, but in time when you begin to see the results, it gets much easier.
The best ascension support mantra might well be "give it up, give it up, give it up". What is then left is a pure vibration of a higher you and a higher way with all your gifts and talents intact. If we can allow Source to do the legwork and get out of the way, while vibrating higher in our passion, joy and what makes us feel great, we can very easily begin to navigate in the higher realms.
The masculine is our intent and the feminine is our allowing. This is the way to create in the higher realms. And just by doing and being what makes you feel great and what you love to express, all will come TO YOU in every way. It is actually a simple process here. Operating in the ways of the lower realms will not work here and only causes much resistance, exhaustion and discomfort.
There is no longer a need to "do", to "try", to make things happen and to make any effort here. Just be in your joy and create with an intent. This is one reason why the ascension process creates a feeling of not wanting to do anything anymore as well as putting us in sometimes complete exhaustion. We are simply aligning with the New ways of being. We do not need to do everything ourselves.
And know that this ascension process will get you "there" very naturally without having to know how it works or having to assist in it. You will simply begin to feel and see things differently.
Remember, we are here to create enjoy and experience. If you are still in a space of severe or uncomfortable ascension symptoms, know that you are absolutely being cared for and monitored by you ascension guide, your soul and your star family. Your needs will be met until you are ready to emerge. And when you emerge from your cocoon into a butterfly, you will feel so much lighter, clearer and joyous!
As we progress more and more in our ascension process and do not feel here, there or anywhere anymore, know again, that this a natural process that is unfolding entirely on its own and all is in perfect and divine order.
The process of not knowing where you are or where you belong may seem lengthy, but know that you are traveling at a pace that is getting you there as quickly as you can tolerate and that these uncomfortable symptoms are only a result of cleansing, purifying and aligning you with the higher realms. Ascending while in the body is no easy task!
So as the energies begin to quicken and prepare us and the Earth for the New World of our making, know that you are not alone, there is much we have been waiting for on the near horizon and all, as always, is in divine and perfect order.
Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to make your unique and special contibution through your passion and joy?
I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,