I'm Kuruk.
writer, biology enthusiast, human being
- 19-years-old
- male
- Oct. 22
- college student
- born, raised, and currently living in miami
- reading
- writing
- history
- biochemistry
- coffee
- iced tea
- relatively obscure female singer/songwriters that are extremely talented (vienna, ingrid, regina, vanessa)
On Writing
This Journal
- Public, at the moment
- Mostly used for fanfic of the Pokémon variety
- Friending policy: you friend me, I'll friend you back!
- Anonymous comments are enabled.
Finding Me Elsewhere
- Dreamwidth - my main account
- FFN - for fics I haven't cross-posted (usually because they need editing)
- formspring - for questions and requests (though you can make requests/ask questions here on LJ)