Title : 5 times Ryutaro shut Chinen up with a kiss
Pairing : ChiiTaro
Rating : PG-13
For the ChiiTaro-thon :
http://hammiexsquirrel.livejournal.com/33375.html#cutid1 1. "Ryu~Do you love me?"
Ryu sighs, that was like the 20th time Chinen had asked him that, during that day. "Yes Chii, I love you."
"But, how much?" He whined.
"I love you alot."
"But, you never tel-" Ryutaro pushes Chinen against a wall, kissing him. When Ryutaro pulled back, Chinen was blushing deeply.
"Will you shut up now?" Chinen just nods.
2. "Mori-kun."
"Chii, what are you doing?"
"Eh? Oh, I was just thinking of nicknames for you."
Chinen ignored him. "Ryu-kun...no no Ryu-chan?" Chinen giggles.
"Chinen, if you don't shut up, i'm going to make you shut up."
"Oh, and how are you going to-" Ryutaro kisses him.
He pulls back slightly, to say. "Like this."
3. "OMG OMG OMG Ohno is so awesome!!!!"
JUMP all sighed, as Chinen came in.
"Seriously guys, Ohno is awesome!"
"We know Chii. He is super awesome." Yabu says, going along with him.
"I know! He can sing, dance, act, and he is great at fishing!" Chinen squeals.
Yuto leans over to Ryutaro, and whispers. "Is there a way to shut up your boyfriend?"
Ryutaro glances at Yuto. "Only one way."
Yuto, getting what he means, blushing lightly. "Well, go do it. Its better than hearing him yell about Ohno."
Ryutaro sighs, gets up walking over to Chinen, and pushes him against a wall, kissing him hard.
4. Ryutaro was doing his homework, when Chinen came in his room and hugged him from behind. "Ryu."
"Yes Chii?"
"What are you doing?"
"My math homework."
"Thats no fun...come play with me."
"Not right now, I have to finish this."
"But i'm bored~" Chinen pouts.
"Well, go find someone else to play with."
"No, I only want to play with Ryu!"
Ryutaro sighs. "If I kiss you, will you shut up, and let me do my homework?"
"Will you play with me after your done with your homework?"
"Ok then!"
Ryutaro turns around, and kisses him.
5. Chinen froze when he walked in, and saw Ryutaro eating the last peiee of cake. "Ryu, I wanted the last piece."
Ryutaro turns to him. "Oh, sorry Chii."
"Mou, Ryu is a meanie!"
"Oi, I said I was sorry."
Chinen crosses his arms across his chest, and pouts. "Your still a meanie." He puffs out his cheeks. "You should have asked if I wanted it. You know that I like cake, so really, you should have ask-"
Ryutaro is suddenly kissing him. He feels Ryutaro licking his lip, so he opens his mouth slightly, letting Ryutaro's tongue slide in. After a few more seconds, Ryutaro pulls away. "Will you shut up now?"
Chinen blushes, and nods.