Title : 5 messages Keito never send Yuto + 1 message Yuto saw.
Pairing : Okajima
Rating : PG
Yuto, I saw you playing around with Yama-chan earlier...
It made my heart clench...
I thought it was going to explode from jealousy...
Please don't hug him....
Keito stared at his phone, sighing. "I can't send him this..." He cancels the message, closing his phone.
I saw you feeding Chii at lunch today...
That made me jealous...
You can feed me you know...
I'd love to try the food you made yourself...
"Ugh...that makes me sound wierd." He deletes the message, throwing his phone on his bed.
Why do you always look so happy when Chii sits on your lap?
You smiled widely...
then wrap your arms tightly around him...
Would you do that if I sat in your lap?
Keito blushed, reading the message again. "There is no way i'm sending that to him." He deletes it again.
Yuto, I hate this...
I'm so far from you...
2 weeks is to long to be away from you...
I don't like not getting to see your smile everyday...
It makes me feel good...
Keito sighed. "That would just make him feel more sad..."
I saw you outside playing with bugs today...
I love when you do that...
You look like a little kid...
Smiling...your eyes are so bright...
Keito glared at his phone. "That sounds stupid..." He pouts, closing his phone.
Yuto...I know I shouldn't be doing this in a text message...
But I want you to know...
I love you...
More than anything...
I love your smile
your laugh
how cute you are when you playing with Chii...though I do get jealous...
If you don't accept my feelings, its ok...i'm happy just being by your side...
Keito bit his lip, trying to decide if he wants to send it or not.
He jumped, seeing someone reach around him, pushing the 'send' button. He turned around quickly, seeing Yuto smiling at him.
Yuto's phone started ringing, so he pulled it out. He smiled, reading the message. "I love you to Keito." He leans in, and kisses Keito.
:D For the Okajima-thon