Title : My Everything
Pairing : Hikato
Rating : PG-13
He knew he shouldn't feel this way. He knew Hikaru liked him, but when he saw him hugging Inoo or Yabu, the pain would come shooting into his heart.
They had only been dating for about a month now, and this was Keito's first relationship.
He watched Hikaru playing around with Inoo, poking, and giggling at the faces he would make.
Or now, when all of JUMP were watching the Summary dvd in Yabu and Inoo's hotel room, and Hikaru ran up to Inoo, and picked him up. Keito was angry.
He quietly got up, leaving the room. No one noticed he was gone, until a few minutes later, when Hikaru went to tell him something. "Eh? Where did Keito go?"
Everyone looked around, but no one knew.
Hikaru got up, leaving the room to find him. He went to their room, finding Keito in his bed, covered in blankets. "Keito?"
It was silent, besides a few sniffles coming from the bed.
Hikaru went over, sitting on the bed. "Keito. What's wrong?"
"Yes there is...please tell me."
"No, its stupid."
"Your upset about it, so its not stupid." Hikaru got under the blankets, laying in front of the younger. "Please..."
"...Hikaru...what am I to you?"
"Eh? What do you mean?"
"I...know its stupid...but I can't help...but get angry when I see you with Inoo or Yabu...it makes me think-"
"I don't like them like that...we've just been friends since we were juniors."
"I know...s-so...don't you think you'd be better with one of them? I mean...i'm so quiet, shy, and...i'm really nervous...I don't know what to do, since...this is my first relationship..."
Hikaru smiled. "I love your shyness, I think its cute. I love you being quiet, cos it calms me. I love that I get to be your first, and only, boyfriend...I love that I get your first kiss, and first everything. Don't you see...I just...I love you. I know we haven't been going out for long yet...but I really do love you. Your my everything."
Keito blushed, but smiled. "Hikaru..."
Hikaru reached over, brushing some hair from the youngers face.
Keito could feel his heart starting to beat faster, as Hikaru leaned in closer to him. His eyes fluttered shut, as he felt the olders lips press against his.
It was a short, and sweet kiss, that when Hikaru pulled back he smiled, seeing Keito's face so red. "Your so cute..."
Keito shook his head. "I'm not..."
Hikaru wrapped his arms around Keito, pulling him closer. "You are. I love you Keito."
Keito pressed his face against the olders chest, smiling. "I love you to Hikaru."