Title : Silent Love (Chpt. 4/?)
Pairing : Okajima
Rating : PG-13
The next day, Keito really did not want to go to school, but his dad made him go.
He slowly walked, taking longer than usual. When he got there, he went straight to the classroom, and the bell rang as soon as he got in. He was thankful for the bell, because he know Yuto would try to talk to him, but couldn't since class was starting.
All through the day, he could feel Yuto staring at him, trying to get his attention, but he just stared straight the board ahead, or at his paper on his desk.
When it was lunch time, Keito hurried out of the class room. He thought about going behind the school, where he always ate, but Yuto knew he ate there, so he went to the roof.
He sighed, sitting down, taking his lunch out. He messed around with his food, eating little bites.
It was only a few minutes in, when he heard the door to the roof open. He tried to hide behind a wall up there, but Yuto saw him. "Keito!" Yuto ran over to him. "Don't ignore me..."
"Leave me alone Yuto." Keito stared at the ground.
"No, please...Don't be mad at me just because my friends were teasing you...i'm not like that. They don't know you...and how awesome and nice you are..."
"Yuto...please just stop this."
"Please stop everything...if they think I like you...then everyone else will, and i'll just get teased more...a-and you'll start getting teased...and I don't want that to happen."
"I don't care if I get teased...I just...want to be with you...friends or more than that..." Yuto reached over, to touch Keito's cheek, but his hand was pushed away.
"Stop it...I don't want this Yuto..." Keito had tears rolling down his cheeks. "I was fine by myself..."
"You don't even want to be friends then?"
"No. Leave me alone..."
"Keito, I just-"
"I said leave me alone...please..."
Keito watched Yuto walk away, and as soon as the door shut, Keito fell to the ground, sobbing.
Yuto walked down the hall, tears in his eyes. "Yuuti!" Chinen ran to him, smiling, until he saw the tears. "What's wrong?"
"Keito hates me...and its your fault Chinen."
Chinen looked down. Yuto never called him Chinen. "I'm sorry Yuto..."
Yuto sighed. "I don't know why...but I really like him. I don't know much about him, but..."
Chinen hugged the taller boy. "I'm really sorry Yuto..."
"Its fine Chii..." He patted Chinen's head.
Chinen bite his lip. 'I promise to make things better Yuto...' He thought, as he pulled away from Yuto.
Sorry this chpt is kinda short~