Title : Cold
Pairing : Chiitaro
Rating : PG-13
It was cold in the hotel room. He pulled the blanket closer, curling into a ball trying to get warm. Usually he would cuddle with his boyfriend at night, but right now the younger boy was mad at him, so he was stuck in his own bed.
A whimper escaped his lip as he felt the coldness of the room. "What's wrong?"
"I'm freezing, and your mad at me, so I can't come over to your bed to warm up!"
Ryutaro sighed. "I am mad, your always flirting with people! Your my boyfriend, and I hate watching it!"
"Right, i'm YOUR boyfriend! I can't help it if you think i'm flirting, its just how I am! I don't even know that i'm doing it! I'm dating you, and I love you! You should know that I love you by now! Nothing will change that Ryu...ever!"
The room was silent. A minute later, he heard Ryutaro moving, and a weight on the beside him. Ryutaro climbed under the blankets on Chinen's bed, and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. "Sorry. You know I get jealous easily...your so cute, I don't want anyone to steal you away from me."
Chinen just smiled, pressing his body against Ryutaro's, feeling the warmth coming from him. "Baka...its cute that you get jealous like that, but really Ryu...no one will ever steal me away from you, because you have already stolen 100% of my heart."
"And I plan on keeping it forever." Ryutaro leaned down, kissing the older.
To the next drabble;
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