Title : Monster
Pairing : Chiitaro
Rating : PG-13
He was woke up in the middle of the night, when his phone rang. He thought about just ignoring it, until he saw the name, Yuri, flashing on the screen. "Hello?"
"Ryutaro! I think there is a monster under my bed!" Chinen was whispering.
"There is a monster. Under. My. Bed."
"Chii, there is not a monster under your bed."
"Yes there is! And if you don't come save me from it, you won't have a boyfriend anymore, because its going to eat me!"
"But its past midnight Yuri."
The phone line went dead. He sighed, knowing that if he didn't go other there, he would never hear the end of it. He got out of bed, and quietly snuck out of his house. Thankfully, Chinen's house was only a few minutes away, and luckily, he had a key to the house. He quietly went up to Chinen's room, and went inside to find the boy asleep on his bed.
Sighing, he walked up to the bed, and crawled under the blankets. "I knew you'd come."
"There is no monster, right?"
"Of course not...I just wanted to see if you'd come protect me."
"Then you should have said a robber...or something, not a monster baka."
Chinen giggled, cuddling closer to the younger. "Doesn't matter, you still came."
"Of course, I love you, so I have to protect you from anything."