This post made me think about all the wonderful milestones in a child’s life…crawling, first steps, first word, first day of school, first date…moments to cherish amid the sacrifice.
The drive to want a baby is so huge, and yet the reality is also huge. Huge good, huge exhausting, huge love, huge sacrifice. There are moments when I know this is what I always wanted, and moments when I just HAVE to pass the baby off (or else!) and take a minute. They are amazing little creatures! And it's lucky they are so darn cute :)
I feel the exact same way. I love William more than anything and I can not imagine my life with out the little cutie. But there have been times where I just have to hand over him to someone so I can breath. The rewards are worth it. And it takes a strong person to be a parent. And I view mine with a whole new respect now.
Oh yeah, it's all that stuff and it sure is 100% worth it :) Now that mine is almost grown, I miss those days when he was little and really needed me. Funny how life works. Enjoy these early days, stink and noise and all LOL
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