Prompt: S2013
Story Title:
Life Finds a Way Author:
sheronArt Title: That's a Friggin' T-Rex!
kuwlshadowFandom: Supernatural
Pairings: General
Summary: As Legacies, they had a responsibility to diffuse any cursed objects Magnus had left behind; they should have expected it to be a death trap. But nobody expects to be sent to face one of the most terrifying monsters the Earth has ever seen. Life...uh...finds a way, a.k.a. Winchesters vs. T-Rex!
Artist Notes: This is my first year participating in the
spn_reversebang but this is my second posting in this challenge. I had a lot of fun in this challenge because I was the one to come up with the idea first and then picked by an author to write a story from. I'll admit I was watching Jurassic World when the idea just came to me. I actually stopped watching it and went to my computer to start designing the illustration. I was quite happy with what I came up with to submit to the group. There were a lot of creative illustrations submitted to this years spn-rbb challenge and I was fortunate to have
sheron select my illustration to base her awesome and creative story. I sure hope you take a moment to read her story. Like I said, it's awesome! Thanks, Sheron, for selecting my illustration and spn rbb for this wonderful opportunity!.
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