30 Days of Fanfiction/Roleplay [Abridged]

Oct 28, 2011 02:12

Day 6 - When you write, do you prefer writing male or female characters?

Honestly, I think I prefer males, though I don't think there's a particular reason other than they tend to stand out to me more. By now, my ratio of males to females is probably 2-1.

Day 7 - Have you ever had a fic change your opinion of a character?

Back when I still read fanfiction, I came across a slash fic in the Quantum Leap fandom that actually made the Sam/Al ship work for me. I was surprised. It was so good, I stayed up all night to finish reading it and it actually ended with enough oomph to make the whole day magical!

Day 8 - Do you write OCs? And if so, what do you do to make certain they're not Mary Sues, and if not, explain your thoughts on OCs.

Most of my original characters were derived from role play, so I don't generally worry about the Mary Sue factor, but... yeah, I think most of them are. XD But, at least with the help of Ruffus and Larry, we tried our best to keep things interesting.

Day 9 - Pairings - For each of the fandoms from day two, what are your three favorite pairings to write?

JFC, are you serious? I... definitely don't write for pairings. Some of these might not have answers. Some I might not have actually written but wouldn't be opposed. And some of the answers might make no damn sense. :|

X-Men - Kitty Pryde/Mike Nelson & Lorna Dane/Clayton Forrester (LOL, MST3K Crossover)
Knight Rider - Bonnie Barstow/Michael Knight
Power Rangers
SeaQuest DSV
Doctor Who
Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Mike Nelson/Joel Robinson Broship
Star Trek: The Original Series - Sulu/Uhura/Chekov & Kirk/Spock/McCoy Broship
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Gil Grissom/Catherine Willows & Gil Grissom/Lady Heather & Gil Grissom/Irina Derevko (LOL, Alias Crossover)
Star Wars - Obi-Wan/Darth Maul (via The Sith Academy)
Lord of the Rings - Legolas/Gimli Broship
Quantum Leap - Al Calavicci/Sam Beckett Broship & Al Calavicci/Tina & Al Calavicci/All the Ladies & Al Calavicci/L Broship (Death Note Crossover)
Horatio Hornblower
Battlestar Galactica - BEGRUDGINGLY Kara Thrace/Lee Adama (in the absence of Kara Thrace/Archie Kennedy)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Buzz Lightyear/Mira Nova & Guy Noir/Clarice Darling (LOL)
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Sokka/Yue & Sokka/Suki & Sokka/All the Ladies (...and maybe a little bit of Jet/Sokka but maybe that's the my fangirling for fn_rebelfn_rebel talking.) ALSO Sokka/Jet Broship & Sokka/Aang Broship & Sokka/Zuko Broship & Sokka/Toph Broship, omg, I'll stop.
Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal - Hannibal Lector/Clarice Starling
Firefly - Malcolm Reynolds/Inara Serra & Simon Tam/Kaylee Frye & Sokka/River Tam

Day 10 - Pairings - Have you ever gone outside your comfort zone and written a pairing you liked, but found you couldn't write, or a pairing you didn't like, and found you could?

Most of the pairings that do happen end up being more... organically grown. Usually cross-fandom since I spend all my time in RP Land. It tends to always catch me by surprise halfway between something and I go "Oh, well, that actually kind of works."

Great public examples? Archie Kennedy/Kara Thrace. I guessed they'd get along, but never expected them to get along so well. Also, Al "Bingo" Calavicci and Kara Thrace are just like adding lava to plasma -- just hot hot hot. Guilty pleasure right now? Sokka and Hermione Granger which just gets me into trouble. >.< More you say? Mike Nelson/Kitty Pryde, Clayton Forrester/Lorna Dane, Joel Robinson/Bonnie Barstow, and... and... and... Well, I guess I probably don't need to go on. -_-'

BONUS: State of the RP

Still at adstringendum with angle_on_it, and woo boy has he made one hell of a mess for himself there. XD Let's hope this doesn't persist. AD!Sokka's kind of hanging at the end of his rope right now and everyone knows how I worry about characters when they're not in a great place.

I also joined star_kingdom with kick_a_pow and it's such a contrast. SK!Sokka is very bright, very happy, and in a relatively positive environment. Sometimes it's hard to reconcile the two. XD

So, uh, yep, that's really about it. Other than that, I love starxd_sparrow!

mst3k, fanfic, ada, angst, writer's block, larry luv, tv, fandom, hh, movies, my life, sokka, archie kennedy, meme, pimpage, doctor who, csi, friend love, avatar: the last airbender, knight rider, friends, writing, rp, list, kara thrace, star wars, links, ip&s, bsg, yessica, titanic, al calavicci, star trek, blosc, fangirly

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