Hah, I like this TV interpretation of a Rumpelstiltskin story. :-) Because I actually recognised elements of the original fairytale. *side-eyes OUaT*
Of course Sgt Wu is a gamer. He would make a great detective. He guessed that the IT guy helped her code. I didn't see that coming. Should've figured that since fairytale!Rumple did all the spinning.
Random note: I just recently realised that Sgt Wu was also a uniformed police officer in TDKR. He was the one getting food from above.
Overall, I like this episode. Except the Juliette parts. It's like the episode comes to a screeching halt when her subplot comes on.
Next week's trailer: Renard's brother looks like that psycho vampire who raped Tara in True Blood.
Oooh, Adalind chewed more that she can handle.
I really hope that Juliette's bits in the trailer are deceiving and it will turn out differently in the episode. Otherwise, it'd be just history repeating itself. Show evidence, told the truth, yet still in denial, not receptive. Not sure how you move on from that.