Oh wow, two posts in such close succession. This is just a list of the peeps I RP right now. I have a crapload of other journals, but they haven't been used recently so they're not gonna be listed.
Haha, true. And yeah, we were! Although on second thought, I think maybe Mikage or Hakuren would be best suited for me. I tend to make characters like Frau wimpier than they should be. |D;
Comments 7
...It amuses me that I have recently been considering playing the Duchess somewhere, too.
We just can't stop overlapping with our characters, can we XDD
Whenever I need a muse clone I can just go to you most of the time. xD
Seeing as how I'll be rereading 07-Ghost one of these days, that just might happen again!
We should probably re-read it separately, because otherwise there's a good chance we /will/ end up coming up with the same muse : P
...we were going to play Frau and Teito a long time ago, weren't we. Except I couldn't come up with a good journal name. lolol
also your icons are cuuute
so are yourssss! ♥
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