ok so i'm kindda miffed but oh well, me having serious relationships with people has nothing to do with my views on not fucking around with your friends i'm sorry but where i come from that makes u i guess u could say a male whore in your case and not serious boyfriend material because it makes one think u'll always just fool around with whom ever.Flat out i Don't trust u.... i hate to say that but i don't your actions with girls makes me feel your untrustworthy and will just follow as your pecker commands And damn straight you'll let me go do things cause like the other night i finally get out of the house for like an hour and your on the phone " you better get home now cause i'm home" ...... I'm kindda miffed here because you still make me out to be the controling one like u say u let me talk to trevor and jermey but u throw fits just as big as mine and i've been saying things need to change for weeks now about the controling behavior in the first place so how dare you try and look like that rational one you big fake :) look this
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Grow up and Get over it! Let the guy have his friends, if you don't trust him then don't be with him. Your obviously jealous and/or self conscious. Who gives a shit if he hooked up with them.. that was the past.. this is the present, he's with you now! If you really love the guy, don't act so damn immature!
This is the deal, thanks to you I am no longer talking to Wes. However, that was my decision but he is cut from my life. Over what? Your jealousy on something not even worth the time? I understand that he is your boyfriend right now, but don't you think I could have had everything that you are scared of me wanting, but didn't want it? Seriously, you may be older but I feel like you are way more immature when it comes to me on this whole situation. The fact that you told Wes eventually you wouldn't want him talking to me or Ashley is just pathetic. You've been around for maybe 2 months, and I've almost been around for 2 years. So seriously, get over yourself. You try and say you aren't the one at fault, but everytime he has tried talking to me with you around you've thrown the worst fit because of it. Grow the fuck up and realize that you aren't the only one who cares about Wes, trust me hunny I've been around for way longer than you and have never gotten to the point where you are. But it doesn't matter anymore, because for almost a
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Go girl! You don't know me, but i think your awesome for telling her how it is. It sucks when someone choses a girl/guy over a friend. Because friends are going to be the ones that are always there for you! He is stupid, he has only been with that girll 2 months and he is going to let her control him that much?? DAMN!! It's only going to get worse!!! But hey things like this make you realize who your TRUE friends are!! Keep your head up and SMILE!!! GOD LOVES YOU!! :)
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