Once again, I'm coming to LJ to vent because FB is not really the place for something this long, and cause it's less likely to cause bitching here. This is more a sort of profanity-laced rant than the statistically-driven logical arguments I usually make, so reader be warned.
So there are a few things I've seen the right-wingnuts consistently say since they got spanked last week that have been pissing me off via the sheer lunacy of the statements. They're just whinging about losing, and they're not even using actual data to do it. Here's the truth of it, guys: You alienated almost everyone who was female, gay, or a member of a minority and so you fucking lost. You hate people who aren't white, and male, and those people realized it and voted your dumb asses out. And, if you don't change your stance and your pathetic extreme-right wing ways before the next election, you're going to get spanked then too. You're going to lose over and over until you stop acting in a way that makes almost everyone who isn't a white male or christian hate you. The women and the gay people and the minorities AREN'T GOING AWAY, so get your act together.
Ok, thing 1 that they've been saying that bothers me: Obama won because people who want free "stuff" (what "stuff" is, is never really specified. Food? Clothing? Housing? Healthcare? No idea.) and don't want to work went and voted. Let's put aside for a moment the fact that the GOP doesn't even think those people should be ALLOWED to vote. So, how many of you are liberals? How many are left-leaning, or slightly democratic? These days, being a centrist still counts as being democratic because the GOP has swung so far to the right. So maybe i should rephrase: How many of you don't believe that hurricane Sandy was caused by gay marriage? Right, so, everyone except for a few of you probably. I know a LOT of democrats, and do you know what? We're employed! Yup. I have a job, so does almost everyone else I know. Except my sister, and she doesn't have one because of the shitty economy. Hell, her republican boyfriend might as well also be unemployed. Regardless, I only know one person who takes any kind of gov't assistance (unless we're counting school loans...? Cause it's basically impossible to go to school without them.), and that family is in school. DEMOCRATS WORK AND PAY TAXES, you sanctimonious, butt-hurt, head-in-the-sand asshats! You didn't lost because i don't feel like going to work on Tuesday. What kind of mindset must it take to think that people would rather stay home watching re-runs all day than go do something useful. How stupid must you be to buy into that myth?
Thing 2. Papa Johns, and other companies like them, are supposedly laying off people en masse because of Obamacare. This is a crock of shit. Their healthcare doesn't cost them a fucking red cent more today than it did yesterday. They're throwing an infantile TEMPER TANTRUM to try to "prove" their point. Pro tip: If you want to blame Obamacare, you should probably wait until it's mostly enacted instead of just a little bit enacted. It might seem more realistic that way. And Papa Johns? The guy who owns the place just wants to suck more money from the company to pay for the LITERAL castle he lives in that to cover the .14-.16 raise he'd need to pay for decent healthcare for his employees. Pft, put company profits back into the company so your employees can have healthcare. CRAZY NOTION. Why would he do that when he can have a moat (dude, I am not even exaggerating:
http://www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/celebrity-homes/papa-john-schnatters-600-million-fortune-bought-insane-mansion/ -- I changed the link because someone removed the image off Wikipedia.) instead? Here's the cognitive dissidence required to be a card-carrying member of the GOP: Before the election a bunch of rich GOP business owners threaten to fire people if Obama wins, out of spite. Obama wins, they stay true to their word, then blame it on Obamacare. Ok, sure, that TOTES MAKES SENSE. Pro tip the second: Perhaps if you're going to act like a child and fire a bunch of people because you couldn't force them to vote your way, you might not want to tell everyone about it before you do it. In the media.
Thing 3. Obama won because the liberal media buried all of his "scandals". Here, let me give you a quote about that: "The media didn’t hand it to Obama; after all, the Number One cable news channel, Fox, is right-wing. The Number One newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, also has a right-wing editorial slant (and is owned by the same guy who owns Fox News). The Number One talk radio show is Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity is Number Two, and Glenn Beck is Number Three. When you control all the largest media outlets, it’s time to stop grousing about liberal media bias." The "liberal media" is a ghost made up by Fox news and fucking Bill O'Reilly. It is all in your head. No one buried shit. Honestly, do you REALLY think that a bunch of news networks that delight in routinely showing photos and images of gore and destruction for ratings would pass up an opportunity to show some more gore and destruction and higher ratings just because it might make the president impotently (cause freedom of the press.) pissed? REALLY? There is not a conspiracy of mass proportions between the president and every news outlet that isn't fox to surpress stories that make Obama look bad. Maybe you should arrive that the same conclusion the rest of the sane, non-GOP world did: Fox is full of shit. Occam's razor, kids. Which is simpler? Giant conspiracy to control the news, or Fox wants your money and is willing to pander to your vast, gaping fears and insecurities to get it? Hmmm...I'll just let you stew on that for awhile.
Thing 4. Ok, I'll let this slide because I think the stupidity involved is kind of hilarious. The GOP members saying that they're going to move to another country cause they're pissed at election results. "By Kristina!," you may say, "Liberals say that shit all the time!!" Yes. Yes we do. You know why? BECAUSE EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD COUNTRY ALREADY HAS THE THINGS WE WANT A LIBERAL CANDIDATE TO GIVE US, DUMBSHIT! So when we say "I'm going to Canada", we really mean "God, I'm tired of dealing with your dumb republican ass. I'm going where I can get some free healthcare, because you're a fucking roadblock to progress." So unless you want to go someplace that, y'know, doesn't have electricity and flushing toilets, you need to shut up and take a seat. The United States is, bar none, THE most regressive rich, first-world nation on the face of the entire planet. LITERALLY. Go Google that shit, look it up, turn off Fox and read a book something. Then, universe willing, we will drag your pathetic, un-educated, regressive, wasteful, war-mongering asses into the 21st century with the rest of the world.
So there are tons of other little things, but those are the big ones. So, I guess I'm done ranting.
./drops mic
./walks off