Heyyaaaaa! I'm back with a new set of macros ^^ i'm in the middle of summer vacation now so i'm sort of 24/7 in the fandom lol XDDDD
I'm not gonna make you guys wait, and so, without further ado...
Disclaimer: These are made out of boredom and stress at the same time. Just for entertainment, nothing more, nothing less :)
and that's what Akame is known for >.<
I can so feel it *dies* While watching the royal wedding, I was like, 'is Jin watching? I bet he is. and he'll get so jelly that he'll propose to Kame once he gets back" OHMYDELUSIONALMIND lol :P
Thanks to my cousin, my pervy self got loose when doing these macros XDDD and come to think of it, Japan holds the record of having the largest orgy O______O 250 men and 250 women x.x it's just...okay i'll shut my mouth now >.<
They really should make a film out of this *bricked* if there's Jin's movie called, BANDAGE, then why not make a movie as well called BONDAGE. get it, get it? *shot*
I'm still flailing over this cm >.< LUCKY GIRL! she got to molest touch Kameeeeeee~
These two are too cuteeee <33
and Junno is so good in keeping his professionalism roflmao XDD
fufufufu~ i suddenly craved for a Snow White inspired AKAME fic *shot*
Comments are lalalalalooooove especially when taking or something ^^
It would really make me happy ♪♪♪
Photos gotten from google *shot*
and oh! Previous macros I made could be found
here :)