without order
Pick 20 people from your friends list. Write one statement about (or to) each of them, never saying who each one is about (or to).
1. thanks for the advice i should have taken
2. you will never change
3. my mom said i should date you
4. i love your humor
5. you're fun but we never talk
6. you are a closet pervert
7. i hate everything about you yet i know nothing about you
8. you will forever rock my world
9. you are the biggest hypocrite ever
10. i'm not sure if you are a blessing or a curse
11. i used to be jealous of you
12. i never understood why i talk to you, you're really annoying
13. you have fallen and you shall never get up
14. what goes on inside you head, i will never know
15. you're a good friend but i don't understand you
16. you were always so nice, yet so mean at the same time
17. what happened to you?
18. you're an odd one
19. you have more personalities then fingers
20. i shall never understand you