1. I am enjoying being a student again.
2. Which classes I enjoy more has certainly changed.
3. It is very hard to not "help" teach when in a class and watching folks not get it.
4. Dialect is still my weakest skill, and until we have some time to just sit and talk it won't get any better for me.
5. Two Gingerheaded Blue-eyed pasty folks can have a brown eyed, chestnut haired, olived skinned kiddo in Scarby - we don't need your logic or genetics here!
6. Billy G is a great fit for Edmond (Fauna's husband)! His instinctual choices allow Fauna to be the nurturing mother figure I want her to be.
6a. Yes, the visual of us together is pretty funny.
6b. Not knowing your "spouse" very well makes for some awkward interactions when it comes to familiarity...
6c. Pet names are the BEST! GingerBear and HoneyBear are totally goofy.
7. Shannon Wiley hasn't missed a beat, and is still a total blast to work with. Hooray phsyicality beasts!
8. Teaching all three of the other directors at once on a PHYSICALITY class is likely the most intimidating thing I have done to date at faire.
9. The fact that the term mandatory had to be defined for people makes me sad.
9a. The fact that after the definition some folks still don't get it makes me fussy.
10. 35 minute labs as a student - Great, no brain fry. 35 minute labs as a teacher - ROUGH!
11. The fourth class slot as the HCM hour is rough, folks are brain fried, it is after lunch. We will have to work on keeping them involved in the discussion classes and showing them to greater extent how these things will improve lane performance. England Prevails!
12. Two directors for Highland Games is the best idea since cheese. Means we can get more work in, more coaching in, more throws in and all of that leads to better throwers and a stronger show.
13. Sad Fauna is SAD. This makes her The Woobie in a heartbeat, this is something I will have to figure out how to work with.
14. Dinosaurs Nom-Noming the words...
15. Physicality will save you from the suck