What I love most....

Sep 18, 2006 20:37

-I love the fact that whenever you do anything nice for me, it's because it's benefiting you in some way...

-I love the fact that everything is on YOUR schedule, never mine

-I love the fact that you can stay out til [whenever] w/o having to tell me and its no biggie but I'm not even allowed to TALK ON THE GODDAMN PHONE OR GET ON MY OWN LAPTOP ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

missfeisty September 19 2006, 01:17:59 UTC
You can be on your own, without a man. You don't have to move back to your parents house. i'm going to need to do it in February too, and there is nothing more satisfying than that. I'd offer to see if you wanted a job as an office manager at the company I work at, but I'm about to quit because it;s the most unprofessional environment ever.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this; just stick it out and get out there on your own! you can do it woman!


kymburli September 19 2006, 19:21:50 UTC
I know... I need a stable decent paying job first. I would love to have my own apt or even with a roommate... but with the current situation it's hard to find a job because on my days off im so exhausted. :( i'll figure something out. thanks for your support. its always appreciated.


litlaur September 19 2006, 03:17:30 UTC

I hope you can get out of this as soon as possible, even if it does mean moving home for a little while.

I'm really glad you know you deserve better, though. You're a strong woman, you can get through this!


kymburli September 19 2006, 19:25:11 UTC
thank you so much. I'm not blind I never will be anymore... I'll always be aware of whats *really* going on... whether or not i can help the situation. What i want to do is find a great job and save enough for a deposit and rent then leave his ass and make him cry. :) I get joy in doing that when someone is an inconsiderate selfish fuck. *cheese*


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