Enough offsite wankery!

Nov 05, 2010 14:16

Time to post some pet photos. HEY semisonicstar, LOOKIE:

Sideways, my pet whipspider, molted on October 13th, and is just starting to look properly herself again. She gobbled a cricket earlier this week, so I took her out of her cage while I cleaned her leftovers.

She's safer to photograph this way than a tarantula or scorpion, because there's virtually no chance of her falling. Her feet snag to my skin almost like a grasshopper's.

When I first got her, one of her sensory "whips" had been bitten by a cagemate and automotized. Since the molt, she grew it back! It's noticeably smaller than the other one for now, but next time she molts, she'll be symmetrical. Arachnids are pretty damn cool.

This angle makes her look quite fearsome, but again, she's totally harmless and couldn't hurt me if she wanted to. The scariest thing about her is how fast she can move: I accidentally brushed a whisker with the camera while she was on my palm, and she teleported to the underside of my hand.

Natural light. Check out her striped spidersocks!

And her much brighter yellow abdomen stripes. Awwww.

Cuter, fuzzier pet pictures to follow.

arachnophobia schmarachnophobia, sideways, freaky with the spiders

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