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Comments 19

exoz February 28 2014, 16:11:14 UTC
a perfect spin off. The Alpha story which im sure your readers have been curious and waiting for since the beginning.

This one shot is much more deeper than the JGMR. You got the feel of historical story vibe pat down perfectly. Im highly, satisfied reading it.

Thank you for a very wonderful story.


kynyang February 28 2014, 17:02:14 UTC
Thank you.
Actually, even if readers were curious about kray past all about they asked was "how old is Kris?" so yeah.

Historical part was, to be honest, hard. My knowladge about Chinese history is still poor so I needed to do bigger research but it paid off.
I was and well, still am, nervous and excited for readers reaction to it. As you said it's deeper than JGMR. But also far more violent, bloody, without much cutness. Also it was pretty hard to maintain charas' characters from the past. Because Kris and Yixing both were far different when they first met and as they are now - after little bit less than two centuries together a lot should change but nothing major. I'm not sure if I portraied it right.

Thank you for reading and commentig. I'm glad you liked it. But remember! That's not all from this au! :D


I have never read jgmr bicurious_chen February 28 2014, 22:43:33 UTC
And prob will not in the near future. Nothing against kaisoo(i think they must be real lol), they are not an usual couple I read fanfics about. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I really loved this. it is wellwritten and interesting. I can tell you did put a lot of effort into it. I appreciated the brief moments of chinese history.
I loved krays relationship; kris was so patient. I love stubborn xing! Despite the gore, the fic had a very warm feel.
Lol just my two cents
Thank you for sharing!!! ^^


Re: I have never read jgmr kynyang February 28 2014, 22:58:56 UTC
Oh, you didn't read JGMR? Weren't you confused? O_o I've never thought that this side story could be read as stand alone...
But even bigger shock for me that you still liked it!
Thank you for reading at least this one and commenting! :D

And well... JGMR is kaisoo but it took like half of fic to get them together and well they come out suddenly? like it's not 'relationship building'... But yeah, if you don't want to read it I'm not going to make! I'm still shocked though...


Re: I have never read jgmr bicurious_chen March 1 2014, 08:06:53 UTC
What was I suppose to be confuse of? I am curious. Lol I was actually wondering why you made the comment at the beginning of the fic. I don't really see anything that would need explaining. I understood the relationship kaisoo had from krays stories; though enough to inform me why they were worried but not enough to take the attention away from the main story.
Btw I was gonna ask but I forgot. okay so the dude that turned kris into a wolf, did he think kris was his mate? Kris said lovers, lovers means they are in love... did kris love him? Maybe I am overthinking or this might be what you're talking about?


Re: I have never read jgmr kynyang March 1 2014, 15:40:33 UTC
Oh, I just thought that because in this story I didn't introduce much of this au, just some parts of being werewolf, it would be confusing for people who didn't read JGMR. But I guess I was wrong? Plus well, I can't force anyone to read it nor prohibit. Note at begining was just to worn that this oneshot is part of bigger au. That's all. But I'm glad it was good as stand alone ( ... )


hipployta March 1 2014, 01:42:28 UTC
You made Aaron and Calvin into Kris' uncles! Where are Jiro and Chunface? You wrote Alan Lan by the way...were you thinking of someone else? Obviously Show is an uncle too.

Awww...what a tough two years for Kris...Yixing is very stubborn

I'm not too into Kaisoo, except as a super cute broship, but I'll make an attempt to read the original work.


kynyang March 1 2014, 15:16:02 UTC
Yep! They are somewhere there xD Oh, I'll change it in minute! Thanks for pointing it out! Show... he may or may not appear in other side story... we will see...

Thank you for reading and commenting! :*


shat_private March 3 2014, 14:34:16 UTC
Dotarłam! XD
Bo w sumie, to pierwszy raz fika czytałam właśnie na lj'u, a na AFF zaznaczyłam sobie, żeby nie zgubić. ;) Jakbym chciała jeszcze raz przeczytać.
Po pierwsze, co bardzo mi się podoba - widać, że włożyłaś w to wiele pracy. Cały AU jest solidny, mocno zbudowany i dosyć dopracowany. Tło historyczne, tło folklorystyczne~ Lubię takie zaangażowanie autora. ;) W ogóle sama też się interesuję trochę takim folklorem, stworzeniami mitycznymi, więc super. :D No i Chiny~ mrau!
Angielski tylko do pochwalenia. ;) I cudo, że masz betę - kolejna rzecz, którą bardzo doceniam w twórczości internetowej.
Co do samej historii, bardzo mi się podobała. Sposób przedstawienia postaci, ich dylematów i powolny rozwój ich więzi.
Generalnie, same plusy. ;) Nawet przy moich wątpliwościach co do kaisoo, na pewno przeczytam główną opowieść, bo po prostu podoba mi się Twój styl pisania. Mam też nadzieję, że niedługo napiszesz coś nowego. ;D


kynyang March 3 2014, 20:17:29 UTC
Yehet (cytując klasyka ( ... )


shat_private March 3 2014, 21:16:27 UTC
are you serious?! xD Twoja odpowiedź jest dłuższa od mojego komentarza ( ... )


kynyang March 3 2014, 22:56:15 UTC
Bo ja nie umiem krótko xD (to samo z tym krayem! miał być krótki oneshocik, w głowie miałam scene z wiedźmami, po czym hmm jak zacząć? - od początku! co dalej? - a Przemiana Xinga! no i voila! ale nie, moment, może coś z przeszłości Krisa, by czytelnicy lepiej zrozumieli jego postać i pewne specyficzne zachowania? a to jedziemy! i notka do siebie - nie zapomnieć o smokach)

O! Miodzio! Dzięki za polecenie! Jak będę miała chwilkę to pewnie zajrzę do niej! :D

Co do książek Briggsowej to nie odkładaj! Mają niby z 200-250 str, ale czyta się jednym chaustem. Jeden wieczór - jeden tom (niemal, zależy jak wcześnie ów wieczór się zaczyna i kończy).

Cóź, z obiema betami tylko pisałam, więc o ich akcencie się nie wypowiem, hahaha. Ale Irlandka jest o wiele lepsza - mega szczera :D

To mi nie pomaga! >_< Z jednej strony rozdrobnienie a z drugiej potrzeba wypróżnienia (nieprzypadkowo użyte słowo! idealnie określa proces!) umysłu z pomysłów tego au by dać podłoże i miejsce dla nowego. Eh ( ... )


xingtae March 4 2014, 13:56:49 UTC
I like this sooo much better than the original story, it's better written and it
's not boring at any point. I really love it ^.^ I just have one question, didn't Boa say that Yixing set a trap for Yifan and then kissed him? :o


kynyang March 4 2014, 15:54:13 UTC
So JGMR were boring at some points (well, I was always suprised that no-one so far said that...)? :D Better written? Well, I'm taking it as a big complement because it's my second work so if it's better it means improvement ( ... )


xingtae March 4 2014, 21:31:35 UTC
Not that it's boring, it's just not super interesting all the time while this is ^^ And yeah, this is actually much better written imo, I had several problems with JGMR but this flows really nicely ^^
I actually thought that might be an explanation, but I'm sad that part was made up :( I was really wondering how exactly it happened (even though I find the way it actually happened cuter). And for Yifan's tattoo, I honestly just thought he made one over his birthmark to make it look cool XD And Calvin and Yixing could have met at any point later, so I wasn't questioning that. I hope you write more about Yixing and Yifan, they are really loveable ^^


kynyang March 4 2014, 21:57:45 UTC
Still, I'm taking it as a compliment! xP

Well, kick Boa for making up stories! :D

About tattoo, yeah, that was exactly a reason but because of werewolve's quick healing ability it would be impossible to do it in normal way. Actually he asked fae to do it for him (he paid in some small errand). So it's magically made tattoo. In this way it won't heal or disappear after shifting xD

Well, yeah, they did. During Second World War when Yifan and Yixing (with others) were rescueing some non-humans caught in Unit 731. Because among captives there was a dragon - Zhou Mi so Calvin was needed ^_^ In JGMR Yixing mentioned stench of WWII prisons - it was about that time. In my au in Unit 731 they also hired black witches >__> I'm not sure if I ever put it into any side story so you may be only one who will ever know about this story xD

And sorry but no. No more kray in this au, as in in another side story. They will appear background/supporting charas though :D


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