I've realised why I stopped updating this thing for so long. There really is not enough time in the world! I think I will make a point of at least updating every Friday/Saturday as that is generally when I laze about and don't do anything =)
30 days meme )
Comments 6
"I'm a pokémon uuuuuuuwatcher!" ..I never liked Tracey either. :(
Perhaps I should set myself a regular update day, too; I keep wanting to update, but I'm so busy and when I do get online time it's just so easy to mentally switch off and look through Facebook or whatever. :p
Did you see the recent Horizon episode about the possibility of an infinite universe? :O That was quite amazing.
You're right about the switching off. I can spend hours on the internet just reading useless stuff...
Yes yes I did! I only caught second half but it really was intriguing! Made me feel so insignificant but not in a particularly negative way...if that makes sense? Compared to the universe, the Earth is...beyond small o_O
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I use mine to procrastinate too. I think that was why blogging was invented tbh.
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I always get monoprinting ink all over everything, generally on my face. Uncool! D8
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