
Nov 05, 2006 02:27

I don't think I'll ever understand girls Dani.

kawaii poser: Benson...if you know someone's been lying to you for a while
kawaii poser: and you want them to admit the truth
kawaii poser: do you tell them you know they're lying?
kawaii poser: Or do you do it the long way...and like....beat around the bush for a while until they admit it?
Leon Silvis: First you
Leon Silvis: Find out through a third person account
Leon Silvis: Then present that account to them
Leon Silvis: But brb
kawaii poser: back yet?
Leon Silvis: Now I am
Leon Silvis: I was on the phone with Kelsey
kawaii poser: Oh okay.
kawaii poser: But, okay....well. The reason I know this person is lying is because of a third party.
Leon Silvis: Hmm.
Leon Silvis: I don't really know.
Leon Silvis: Usually I just let it slide. Because I know deep down what the truth is.
Leon Silvis: And they know what the truth is.
Leon Silvis: And they can pretend as long as they want.
kawaii poser: I hate that though.
kawaii poser: I'd usually do that if I didn't really care that much about the person. x_x
Leon Silvis: Well, I don't know what else you can do.
Leon Silvis: Pressure only makes people angry.
kawaii poser: Yeah...I guess...but I really wanna get this straightened out...
Leon Silvis: Is it an issue with boys again?
kawaii poser: You could say that.
Leon Silvis: Corey?
kawaii poser: No.
Leon Silvis: Hmm.
Leon Silvis: Well, I guess you could try talking to them...
Leon Silvis: But I really don't know how much that will do
Leon Silvis: Not knowing the person and all
kawaii poser: I'm just scared depending on wether they want to admit they're lying or not might make or break the friendship I wanna keep. x___x
Leon Silvis: Well.
kawaii poser: I don't want a liar for a friend.
Leon Silvis: This may/may not help you.
Leon Silvis: But Kat pretty much killed any chance of continuuing friendship with me when, RIGHT AFTER I visited her, she stopped answering phone calls/logging on for over two weeks and her response after all of it was
Leon Silvis: "I didn't feel like it"
Leon Silvis: That was her entire justification
Leon Silvis: Not, "I can't, I'm too busy" or "Life is really tough"
Leon Silvis: Nope, it was a simple "I just don't feel like it"
Leon Silvis: =D Any way
Leon Silvis: Life's full of risks.
Leon Silvis: You have to weigh your risks carefully.
Leon Silvis: What would you prefer the most?
Leon Silvis: To get everything settled, or to make sure you don't risk losing a friendship?
Leon Silvis: Sometimes, you have to intentionally NOT do what you think is right for the sake of friendship
Leon Silvis: It sucks that it has to be like that
kawaii poser: What's the point of a frienship if the past is all lies?
Leon Silvis: But sometimes... that's the price
Leon Silvis: Is it ALL lies, or one big lie?
kawaii poser: Okay, not all lies....but
kawaii poser: bleeehasdkfja;skfas;df
Leon Silvis: Are their feelings for you completely insincere?
kawaii poser: No...
Leon Silvis: Maybe you are blowing it out of proportion
Leon Silvis: Like you do with
Leon Silvis: Everything
Leon Silvis: =D
kawaii poser: . . .
Leon Silvis: I'm not trying to mock you
kawaii poser: Thanks.
Leon Silvis: It's seriously a problem you have you need to think about
Leon Silvis: I'm okay with it
Leon Silvis: Because I've known you for so long
Leon Silvis: But not everyone likes that attitude
Leon Silvis: No one's perfect
Leon Silvis: It's true
Leon Silvis: But you may want to consider thinking about that
Leon Silvis: Seriously, maybe you really are blowing things way out of proportion and you need to calm down and think about this logically and clearly
kawaii poser: Name instances when I do that besides numbers.
Leon Silvis: If I name instances, you will try to use words to justify them.
Leon Silvis: I don't see a point
kawaii poser: I do.
kawaii poser: I don't see my so called "problem"
kawaii poser: so I feel as if I'm being judged
kawaii poser: for something that I'm not.
Leon Silvis: Well like I said
kawaii poser: If your justification is something you can't prove
Leon Silvis: Even if I point out those instances
kawaii poser: I do feel like I'm being mocked.
Leon Silvis: You'll simply try to justify or rationalize it
Leon Silvis: You'll say
Leon Silvis: "But that was such-and-such"
Leon Silvis: Because
kawaii poser: Yeah. But at least you'll have shown me them.
Leon Silvis: Everyone does that when they are on the defensive
kawaii poser: Okay.
kawaii poser: But at least
kawaii poser: You'll have shown me them.
kawaii poser: It's like me saying "You're stupid"
Leon Silvis: No
kawaii poser: "why?"
Leon Silvis: It's like you saying "You bring up DDR all the time"
Leon Silvis: And I ask
kawaii poser: "Oh I can't tell you. You'll just come up with excuses. You just are"
Leon Silvis: "Name all the times I bring up DDR"
Leon Silvis: And your response is
Leon Silvis: "Fine you just do it 70% of the time"
Leon Silvis: And I say
Leon Silvis: "Do I really do it 70% of the time?"
Leon Silvis: You say "Fine, you don't"
Leon Silvis: "Whatever"
Leon Silvis: As for examples
Leon Silvis: You can't expect me to spit them out right away so give me a bit to think about it
kawaii poser: august 10 Leon Silvis (11:44:58 AM): DANI
Leon Silvis (11:44:58 AM): COME PLAY DDR WITH ME
Leon Silvis (11:45:25 AM): FINE BE THAT WAY
Leon Silvis (11:45:26 AM): BYE DANI
Leon Silvis is away at 11:45:30 AM.

Leon Silvis: August
Leon Silvis: 10th
kawaii poser: kawaii poser (5:23:56 PM): o.o
Leon Silvis (5:24:07 PM): Oh and
Leon Silvis (5:24:12 PM): I finally AAed Drop Out at the arcade
Leon Silvis (5:24:14 PM): Took forever
Leon Silvis (5:24:15 PM): ;_;

Leon Silvis: Oh good
kawaii poser: august 11
Leon Silvis: I like h ow you pick
Leon Silvis: Two consecutive days in August
Leon Silvis: Since I've talked to you for ike over 365 days
Leon Silvis: Those 2 days imply I must bring up DDR daily
Leon Silvis: Nate has told me that you also tend to blow up at him over issues that don't even involve his feelings for you.
Leon Silvis: I suggest we don't go into that because that's a rather touchy issue, but if you insist on being right so much I'd be willing to talk to him about it
Leon Silvis: Like I said, Dani.
Leon Silvis: You came to me for an opinion
Leon Silvis: And I will give it.
Leon Silvis: You can't expect me to just agree with you and support everything you say 100%.
Leon Silvis: Maybe you feel that, that's what friends are supposed to do.
Leon Silvis: But I do not agree.
kawaii poser: I don't either.
Leon Silvis: Well, I never asked you to agree.
Leon Silvis: Feel free to follow your own path
Leon Silvis: It's not my life, I can't control your actions
kawaii poser: K. Sorry I asked for advice. I'll remember not to in the future.
Leon Silvis: I gave you
Leon Silvis: The advice I had
Leon Silvis: You didn't like it
Leon Silvis: And got mad at me.
Leon Silvis: I'm sorry if my advice doesn't help you the way you wanted it
kawaii poser: I got mad at you when you turned my "I don't want to lose a frienship, but I don't want one where there's lies" into "YOU BLOW EVERYTHING OUT OF PROPORTION"
kawaii poser: That's when I got mad.
kawaii poser: I was never mad before.
Leon Silvis: It's my advice no matter what.
Leon Silvis: That's because
kawaii poser: .....
Leon Silvis: I didn't really give any advice until then
Leon Silvis: Honestly
Leon Silvis: I knew you'd disagree with what I said
Leon Silvis: I just kinda said
Leon Silvis: "Do whatever"
Leon Silvis: And then I actually gave my honest opinion
Leon Silvis: THEN you got mad.
kawaii poser: . . . . Your honest opinion had nothing to do with what I was worried about.
Leon Silvis: Yes, it does.
Leon Silvis: You may be worried about something that isn't that big a deal at all
Leon Silvis: That was my advice
Leon Silvis: Think about it
Leon Silvis: Don't just see the world from your perspective
Leon Silvis: Think about
Leon Silvis: All the factors that are involved
Leon Silvis: Think about it
Leon Silvis: From the other person's point of view.
Leon Silvis: Honestly, that has changed me a lot and helped me a lot, when I started seeing things from other people's points of view rather than my own
Leon Silvis: When I thought about
Leon Silvis: Everything
Leon Silvis: And not just my own view of how extreme things are.
kawaii poser: I still think this person had no reason to lie.
Leon Silvis: Maybe they did.
kawaii poser: Especially in the times when I asked for his truthful opinion
Leon Silvis: And maybe
kawaii poser: and they gave me a lie.
Leon Silvis: They really aren't lying
Leon Silvis: Maybe what they say is what they genuinely think is true.
kawaii poser: Maybe they're not. But judging from a few instances before when I confronted this person about lies, and they DID turn out to be lies, I'm leaning towards the posiblity that they are lies.
Leon Silvis: Judging?
Leon Silvis: What did you JUST say about being judged?
Leon Silvis: You know how much you like it
Leon Silvis: How much do they like it?
kawaii poser: I didn't say anything about being judged. I said I didn't like being critizied WHILE being patronized as well.
kawaii poser: Which is what you did when you gave me your honest opinion.
Leon Silvis: kawaii poser: so I feel as if I'm being judged
Leon Silvis: You're right
Leon Silvis: You didn't say ANYTHING about being judged
kawaii poser: Okay. Sorry. I did say judged. I meant critized.
Leon Silvis: Dani, I think we should stop. I'd be more than willing to give my advice, but I don't think you are taking it well.
Leon Silvis: Which, there's really nothing I can do about
kawaii poser: Benson. You fuckin started this.
kawaii poser: *fucking
Leon Silvis: ...No I'm pretty sure you wanted my advice on someone I don't even know apparently lying to you
Leon Silvis: Someone that I know nothing about and thus cannot make any assumptions about
kawaii poser: You turned this into your critical opinion of me though!
kawaii poser: Then ask if you think my description's too vague.
Leon Silvis: Well, how am I supposed to give you advice without giving you my opinion of you?
kawaii poser: .......
Leon Silvis: That's
Leon Silvis: Part of the advice
kawaii poser: then say it with a bit of sensitivity.
kawaii poser: Don't be a fucking asshole about it.
kawaii poser: People BESIDES you have feelings that ARE hurt with words you know?
kawaii poser: You can be very insesitive about that sometimes.
kawaii poser: And you don't realize how much your words hurt.
kawaii poser: And I know for a fact.
kawaii poser: I'm not the only person that's been hurt by your words.
Leon Silvis: I like how you turn this around into a criticism of me.
kawaii poser: You did it to me.
Leon Silvis: Go on
kawaii poser: I'm doing it right back.
Leon Silvis: Start listing names
kawaii poser: Sarah.
kawaii poser: Kat.
Leon Silvis: I didn't ask for your advice
kawaii poser: Kelsey.
Leon Silvis: That's the key here.
Leon Silvis: But
Leon Silvis: You decided to give it any way.
Leon Silvis: I am willing to admit
Leon Silvis: That I have hurt people with my words
kawaii poser: Because you were hurting my feelings!!!
Leon Silvis: And that I am insensitive at times
Leon Silvis: So is anyone
Leon Silvis: But
Leon Silvis: Here's the thing
Leon Silvis: I am willing to admit my faults
Leon Silvis: Are you?
kawaii poser: YES. But you're PUTTING ME at a defensive stance WHEN YOU FUCKING START ATTACKING.
Leon Silvis: I'm not attacking.
kawaii poser: YES.
kawaii poser: YOU.
kawaii poser: FUCKING
kawaii poser: ARE.
Leon Silvis: I even said, "Let's stop, this is getting out of hand"
Leon Silvis: You countered with
kawaii poser: AFTER YOU STARTED IT!!!
Leon Silvis: I wasn't attacking you.
kawaii poser: Because. Um. You did????
Leon Silvis: Dani. I'm going to say this calmly. This is getting out of hand. I really think we should both just let it go.
Leon Silvis: This ultimately goes back to someone that has nothing to do with me
kawaii poser: kawaii poser (11:22:53 PM): What's the point of a frienship if the past is all lies?
Leon Silvis (11:22:54 PM): But sometimes... that's the price
Leon Silvis (11:23:01 PM): Is it ALL lies, or one big lie?
kawaii poser (11:23:12 PM): Okay, not all lies....but
kawaii poser (11:23:14 PM): bleeehasdkfja;skfas;df
Leon Silvis (11:23:16 PM): Are their feelings for you completely insincere?
kawaii poser (11:23:22 PM): No...

kawaii poser: Afte ME
kawaii poser: ADMITTING MY FAULT
kawaii poser: Leon Silvis (11:23:23 PM): Maybe you are blowing it out of proportion
Leon Silvis (11:23:24 PM): Like you do with
Leon Silvis (11:23:29 PM): Everything
Leon Silvis (11:23:31 PM): =D

kawaii poser: YOU SAY THAT.
Leon Silvis: Um
kawaii poser: HOW THE FUCK
kawaii poser: IS THAT NOT ATTACKIN??
kawaii poser: *G
Leon Silvis: That's not you admitting your fault.
kawaii poser: kawaii poser (11:23:12 PM): Okay, not all lies....but
kawaii poser: You continued
Leon Silvis: That's just you saying you changing your 100% to 70%
kawaii poser: Leon Silvis (11:23:16 PM): Are their feelings for you completely insincere?
kawaii poser: I admitted kawaii poser (11:23:22 PM): No...
kawaii poser: they were not
kawaii poser: And then instead into keeping my attention
kawaii poser: keeping my patience
kawaii poser: and retaining the fact that I was listening to what you were saying
kawaii poser: You turned it
kawaii poser: into
kawaii poser: Leon Silvis (11:23:23 PM): Maybe you are blowing it out of proportion
Leon Silvis (11:23:24 PM): Like you do with
Leon Silvis (11:23:29 PM): Everything
kawaii poser: Leon Silvis (11:23:31 PM): =D
Leon Silvis: Kinda like
Leon Silvis: What you're doing now
Leon Silvis: =\
Leon Silvis: Okay Dani
Leon Silvis: My advice sucks
kawaii poser: URGH. Benson. When you start something, then you gotta expect it to continue.
Leon Silvis: I'm an insensitive bitch
Leon Silvis: We'll leave it at that
Leon Silvis: Dani.
Leon Silvis: Please... that's enough
Leon Silvis: Despite you calling me insensitive, I'm not going to get angry because I know it's true
kawaii poser: . . .
Leon Silvis: That's.. really all there is to it.
Leon Silvis: I'm a human being.
Leon Silvis: I'm not perfect.
Leon Silvis: I annoy people a lot.
Leon Silvis: I have enemies
Leon Silvis: I've done a lot of stupid things in my life
Leon Silvis: I remember each and every single one
Leon Silvis: I remember when my teacher told me she would "work on me" like I was some kinda imperfect lab specimen
kawaii poser: Benson. Don't turn this into a sob story for you.
Leon Silvis: I remember when someone said "It's okay Benson, if you were born a liar then I do hate you for who you are"
Leon Silvis: It's not a sob story
kawaii poser: It is.
Leon Silvis: I'm not asking for pity.
kawaii poser: You are.
Leon Silvis: I'm just telling you
Leon Silvis: Right now
Leon Silvis: How I feel.
kawaii poser: that you feel human?
Leon Silvis: Yeah.
Leon Silvis: I know I have faults.
kawaii poser: Well guess what? So do I, and so does the whole world.
Leon Silvis: No...
Leon Silvis: I don't think you do.
kawaii poser: I do feel human.
Leon Silvis: I disagree.
kawaii poser: I don't. ^^
Leon Silvis: Well, then why not just leave it at that.
Leon Silvis: Dani, please don't push the subject further.
Leon Silvis: I don't really want to turn this into something long term.
Leon Silvis: I made my mistake
Leon Silvis: It's done
kawaii poser: Um....How many times have I blocked you?
Leon Silvis: That's
Leon Silvis: Not what I was aiming for.
kawaii poser: k.
Leon Silvis: Fine.
Leon Silvis: Since you want to press the issue
Leon Silvis: Since you insist on your self centered aura of righteousness
Leon Silvis: Tell me
Leon Silvis: Miss Sensitivity
Leon Silvis: How did NATE feel when you talked to him?
Leon Silvis: How sensitive were you to him?
Leon Silvis: Did you
Leon Silvis: At any time
Leon Silvis: Think about how he felt?
Leon Silvis: No
Leon Silvis: You didn't
Leon Silvis: Because
Leon Silvis: All you thought about
Leon Silvis: Was yourself
Leon Silvis: You know why he blocked you?
Leon Silvis: because you're a selfish bitch
Leon Silvis: Because all you think about is yourself
Leon Silvis: And what you think is right
Leon Silvis: You think you have this ideal image of righteousness and proper morals
Leon Silvis: But you know something Dani?
Leon Silvis: No one's perfect
Leon Silvis: I'm not
Leon Silvis: Nate's not
Leon Silvis: And hell, you're not
Leon Silvis: But yet
Leon Silvis: You don't realize that
Leon Silvis: You think
Leon Silvis: That the reason Kat was doing badly in school
Leon Silvis: Was because she was lazy
Leon Silvis: Not because she missed school for 3 years
Leon Silvis: Not because
Leon Silvis: Her life was a complete mess
kawaii poser: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.

Leon Silvis: YOU judged Kat and YOU were insensitive to her, JUST AS MUCH AS I WAS. YOU COMPLETELY NEGLECTED HER FEELINGS. And you know something Dani? She never told you. Why? Because she knew, the instant she did, you would snap back with your self righteous psychobabble
Leon Silvis: Just like you're doing now to me, to Nate
Leon Silvis: And to everyone
Leon Silvis: You're just way too dense to realize it.
Leon Silvis: Do us all a favor.
Leon Silvis: Get off your high horse and admit your humanity
Leon Silvis: Stop judging others from your own viewpoint of them
Leon Silvis: You assume you know everyone
Leon Silvis: You assume you know EXACTLY why people are struggling
Leon Silvis: You assume that I was mocking you, you assume that Nate isn't over you, you assume things about people that hurt them
Leon Silvis: And yet, when they argue with you, YOU CHARGE THEM OF ASSUMING ABOUT YOU
Leon Silvis: That's what burns the most Dani
Leon Silvis: Maybe
Leon Silvis: If for once in your life
Leon Silvis: You stopped thinking about what YOU saw
Leon Silvis: If you stopped thinking about YOUR judgment of people
Leon Silvis: If you stopped looking down on people based on YOUR egocentric view of them
Leon Silvis: Maybe then, then Nate would be friends with you
Leon Silvis: Maybe it's not a problem with Nate.
Leon Silvis: Maybe it's not Kat being lazy.
Leon Silvis: Maybe it's not me trying to mock you.
kawaii poser: You know what? You're right. I never think about anyone else but myself. All my decisions are based on me. I'm the center of the fucking universe. Right?
kawaii poser: K.
kawaii poser signed off at 12:59:20 AM.

I think my friend Patrick put it best.

X Sekisetsu X: I think that was a little bit insensitive and unnecessary, but the way she reacted to it only proved it right.
X Sekisetsu X: >.>

So yeah, sometimes I can be insensitive and say the wrong things. Everyone does. Who can truly say they've never pissed off a single person unintentionally in their life?

I told her "Okay, I'm sorry, so let's stop here." Nope, that's not enough.

Girls seem to like drama a lot.

Patrick's advice: X Sekisetsu X: Best thing to do is just to forget about her and push her out of your life, as obviously nothing you say will ever get through to her
X Sekisetsu X: You have nothing to apologize for.
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