First read this.
Leon Silvis: Dani, do you still talk to Leafy?
kawaii poser: Heeey.
kawaii poser: Um...not that much.
Leon Silvis: Hi =O
kawaii poser: ocassionally.
Leon Silvis: You know about that issue between him and Kelli's group of friends?
kawaii poser: The one that's been going on for the past year? Yeah. XD
Leon Silvis: I'm worried about Sarieu
Leon Silvis: Is she all right when you see her at school? I've noticed online and on the phone she's been really depressed lately.
kawaii poser: She seems finee at school
kawaii poser: has she said anything to you?
Leon Silvis: A lot.
Leon Silvis: Leafy's been ignoring her completely
Leon Silvis: She really wants to talk to him but he won't say anything to her, period
kawaii poser: x_x Well that's a reality check.
Leon Silvis: What do you mean?
kawaii poser: It's a one sided love
kawaii poser: she says she likes him as a friend
kawaii poser: but the way she acts around him
kawaii poser: the way she treats him and expects him to treat her
kawaii poser: ...
kawaii poser: it's basically she saying "I want you to be my boyfriend"
Leon Silvis: Well, I still think it's a bit rough for Leafy to completely ignore her.
kawaii poser: and he's ALWYAS told her he doesn't want that.
kawaii poser: it's been going on for such a long time though...
kawaii poser: it NEVER got through to her. ><
Leon Silvis: And he's not just ignoring Sarieu, either.
Leon Silvis: He's ignoring Kelli and the entire group
Leon Silvis: I talked to Kristin about it, and I seriously doubt Leafy was just out to target Sarieu and give her a "reality check"
kawaii poser: It's probably more than that
kawaii poser: but the reason why he did that to Sarieu is probably mostly to really tell her he's not interested.
Leon Silvis: He's not doing it to just Sarieu.
Leon Silvis: I mean
Leon Silvis: Can you tell me a good reason why he's ignoring Kelli?
kawaii poser: No.
kawaii poser: kawaii poser (7:52:42 PM): but the reason why he did that to Sarieu
kawaii poser: I just said that about sarieu.
Leon Silvis: I dunno, maybe I'm biased because I'm friends with Sarieu and not Leafy, but I guess I think Leafy should at least give Sarieu a chance to talk rather than flat out ignore her
kawaii poser: yeah. probably.
Leon Silvis: Probably because I'm biased or probably Leafy should give Sarieu a chance?
kawaii poser: Both.
Leon Silvis: Well, at least you agree with me about giving people a chance.
Leon Silvis: Even if Sarieu has been really clingy... it hurts someone's feelings a lot when you just flat out ignore them and don't even let them talk to you period
Leon Silvis: I dunno, maybe part of it is because Phil is doing the same thing to me.
Leon Silvis: And I hang out with Phil like once a month at the most.
kawaii poser: Been there, done that. XD
Leon Silvis: I don't know WHY, but he has outright stated he is intentionally ignoring me.
Leon Silvis: I don't give up on friends unless they hurt me, so meh.
kawaii poser: Hey Benson... Leon Silvis (8:01:10 PM): Even if Sarieu has been really clingy... it hurts someone's feelings a lot when you just flat out ignore them and don't even let them talk to you period
kawaii poser: that's kinda hypocritical. x_X
kawaii poser: Cause you've done that before
kawaii poser: several times
Leon Silvis: I gave Nikki a chance to talk to me
kawaii poser: and you kinda did that to Nikki
Leon Silvis: No I didn't
kawaii poser: Ehh...
Leon Silvis: Nikki wanted ME to talk to HER
Leon Silvis: And beg for an apology
Leon Silvis: If she had approached me
kawaii poser: When did she ever say that?
Leon Silvis: And talked things out with me
Leon Silvis: To Sarha
Leon Silvis: Sarah*
Leon Silvis: Sarah told me
Leon Silvis: "Nikki wanted me to let you know to stop being a pussy and talk to her"
Leon Silvis: And I told Sarah right back, that the moment she wants to talk to me I'll most likely work things out with her
kawaii poser: That's not the same thing!!
Leon Silvis: She. Never. Did.
kawaii poser: That's not begging for an apology. o_O
kawaii poser: You're completely misinterpreting things.
kawaii poser: I said the SAME thing about Phil.
Leon Silvis: Actually
Leon Silvis: Both previous times
Leon Silvis: When I talked to Nikki after an argument
Leon Silvis: She refused to forgive me until I pleaded for an apology.
Leon Silvis: It is an assumption, yes, but it has happened twice before
Leon Silvis: So I am making the assumption based on prior experience
Leon Silvis: pleaded for forgiveness, rather.
kawaii poser: You could be wrong, you know?
Leon Silvis: Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact I gave her the chance to talk to me.
Leon Silvis: It's not like I didn't give her a chance.
Leon Silvis: I did.
Leon Silvis: She didn't take it.
Leon Silvis: I was angry at her for hurting me. I told her I wasn't going to talk to her until she took back what she said. Even if she didn't want to take it back, she still could've talked to me.
Leon Silvis: She never did.
Leon Silvis: She wanted ME to talk to her.
Leon Silvis: Even though *I* was the one that was hurt by what *she* said.
Leon Silvis: Sarieu was annoying to Leafy yes, but Sarieu never hurt Leafy. And Sarieu wants to talk to Leafy: she's not demanding that Leafy come crawling back and talk to her.
Leon Silvis: Sarieu has TRIED to talk to Leafy.
Leon Silvis: Right before you called me a hypocrite, I said Leon Silvis: I don't give up on friends unless they hurt me, so meh.
Leon Silvis: That's the one exception.
Leon Silvis: Even if you agree with Nikki's opinion, it doesn't change the fact she hurt my feelings.
Leon Silvis: I don't abandon people who don't hurt me, or people who hurt me but are apologetic about it.
Leon Silvis: Even when I told Nikki I was done being friends with her, she DENIED that she hurt me and claimed that it was my own fault for being a bitch.
Leon Silvis: Even if she thinks what she did was right, she can't deny the impact her words had on me.
kawaii poser: Leon Silvis (8:10:15 PM): Even when I told Nikki I was done being friends with her, she DENIED that she hurt me and claimed that it was my own fault for being a bitch.
kawaii poser: she didn't really!
kawaii poser: She was just confused
Leon Silvis: Um
kawaii poser: as to how she did
kawaii poser: XD
Leon Silvis: Let me get the convo
Leon Silvis: Leon Silvis: I told you before. I didn't want you getting involved in conflicts between me and Sarah.
prostatecancerrr: So, you stop being friends with me, but you
Leon Silvis: What happened was, I made a joke along the lines of "So you don't care about me any more? ;_;" in a very jocular manner, and you turned it into "You shouldn't assume things about me like you do with Sarah"
prostatecancerrr: *you're still friends with S arah for what I braught up?
prostatecancerrr: That makes no sense.
Leon Silvis: Because Sarah didn't push the issue and just dropped it.
prostatecancerrr: But you ALWAYS do that to me, and everyone else, and we've all agreed it hurts when you do that. x_x I just got sick of it and wanted to bring it up.
Leon Silvis: Right away.
Leon Silvis: Instead of admitting it hurt me.
Leon Silvis: She says
Leon Silvis: "It's your fault that you have a problem and that you hurt people all the time"
Leon Silvis: prostatecancerrr: I wasnt bringing SARAH up and that situation, I was just giving an exmaple and that was the closest that came to mind.
Leon Silvis: Once again
Leon Silvis: Denial that anything she said should've hurt me.
kawaii poser: You didn't say it hurt you!
Leon Silvis: She refuses to accept that what she did, by bringing up Sarah, was hurtful. She denies that she even brought up Sarah and said "that was an example," which is a contradiction because she brought up Sarah as an example.
kawaii poser: You just said "I don't want to hear about her"
kawaii poser: How did her bringing sarah up hurt you? ._O
kawaii poser: That doesn't hurt
kawaii poser: that just bugs you.
Leon Silvis: Actually.
Leon Silvis: No it hurts me.
Leon Silvis: *shrug*
Leon Silvis: But if you're going to assume how I feel... then I dunno
kawaii poser: Oh c'mon.
kawaii poser: Alright. Whatever then.
Leon Silvis: Let's not talk ab out Nikki
kawaii poser: No, I'm kinda pissed now.
Leon Silvis: I'm sorry Dani, but you were the one that brought her up.
Leon Silvis: Let's... not talk ab out your friends okay?
kawaii poser: I don't feel like talking to you right now anymore.
Leon Silvis: Right now, or any more?
kawaii poser: Not right now.
Leon Silvis: I have one last thing to say.
Leon Silvis: You are the only person that can change my feelings. By changing your attitude, and for one moment, considering that maybe you offended me in a way I didn't like, and, even if you feel you did nothing wrong, what you did hurt me, and I would've liked an apology. But that's a moot point, considering you feel it's "me being selfish and worrying and getting mad and everything." As long as your attitude is "I can do no wrong, and everyone else is wrong and everyone agrees that everyone else is wrong," then we will not be friends.
prostatecancerrr: Lol no thats alright ill pass.
Leon Silvis: Her decision, not mine.
Leon Silvis: *shrug*
kawaii poser: prostatecancerrr (8:20:46 PM): Yep. That was at the veryy end of our conversations after he said he would never be friends with me again and got me bawling and then kelli told him to just try and by that point i was pissed beyong reason. x__x
Leon Silvis: No, I didn't say "I would never be friends with her again"
Leon Silvis: My exact words were
Leon Silvis: Leon Silvis: When all you do is accuse people.
Leon Silvis: Then I have no desire to be your friend.
prostatecancerrr: I know. Ive heard this.
Leon Silvis: Shortly followed by
Leon Silvis: Leon Silvis: You are the only person that can change my feelings. By changing your attitude, and for one moment, considering that maybe you offended me in a way I didn't like, and, even if you feel you did nothing wrong, what you did hurt me, and I would've liked an apology. But that's a moot point, considering you feel it's "me being selfish and worrying and getting mad and everything." As long as your attitude is "I can do no wrong, and everyone else is wrong and everyone agrees that everyone else is wrong," then we will not be friends.
Leon Silvis: If that is the explanation you have been waiting for, there you have it.
prostatecancerrr: Lol no thats alright ill pass.
Leon Silvis: NEVER did I say "I'm never going to be friends with Nikki ever again"
Leon Silvis: At least, I never said it to Nikki.
Leon Silvis: I also said.
Leon Silvis: Leon Silvis: I'm not mad.
prostatecancerrr: So if any conflict starts - it will be because of you. Because - im just confused, and could care less.
Leon Silvis: And... it is those kinds of accusations which made me give up my friendship with you.
prostatecancerrr: Lol alright.
Leon Silvis: Let me reemphasize
Leon Silvis: Those accusations
Leon Silvis: HURT ME TO NO END
Leon Silvis: And her response to that is
Leon Silvis: "Lol alright"
Leon Silvis: To me that's not confusion
Leon Silvis: To me that's outright "Okay whatever"
Leon Silvis: In other words, I strongly, strongly felt like I was in a one sided friendship with Nikki. Any time I argued with her, she would blame me for everything, say that I was the only person in the wrong, that everyone feels I am the only person in the wrong, and that she didn't do anything wrong ever and is therefore incapable of hurting anyone's feelings.
Leon Silvis: Her chronic attitude of "You're wrong and you're always wrong and I'm always right and everyone agrees" is hurtful and degrading to me.
Leon Silvis: If she would get off her high horse for ONE second and realize that she IS capable of hurting my feelings, and that some of the things she says DOES hurt me, and that her attitude of me ALWAYS being wrong and her ALWAYS being right is extremely demeaning.
Leon Silvis: Then.
Leon Silvis: I would drop everything and be friends with her again in a second
Leon Silvis: But.
Leon Silvis: Her response to that was
Leon Silvis: prostatecancerrr: Lol no thats alright ill pass.
Leon Silvis: If she had said something like "I'm sorry, I think what you did was wrong but I realize, what I said hurt you and my actions were hurtful, and I want us to talk this out," it would've been fine.
Leon Silvis: No.
Leon Silvis: She insisted
Leon Silvis: "You're wrong"
Leon Silvis: "You're being selfish"
Leon Silvis: "You're being unreasonable"
Leon Silvis: "I'm the good guy here"
Leon Silvis: "So I have no idea why you're being so immature"
Leon Silvis: Every time I argue with her
Leon Silvis: It's always
Leon Silvis: She's right
Leon Silvis: I'm wrong
Leon Silvis: If I can't accept it then I can go fuck a horse.
Leon Silvis: I don't like that.
Leon Silvis: It hurts me.
Leon Silvis: Okay?
Leon Silvis: I'm sorry if you find that immature and hypocritical
Leon Silvis: But... it's not something I can put up with.
Leon Silvis: It really isn't
kawaii poser: k
Leon Silvis: *Shrug* I don't really know what else to say.
Leon Silvis: I'm ready to give her a second chance as soon as she steps down and outright admits that she hurt me, even if she doesn't understand why or how she hurt me.
kawaii poser: alright.
Leon Silvis: Does she intend to?
kawaii poser: I dont' know.
kawaii poser: I'm not gonna be a middle man.
kawaii poser: You talk to her.
kawaii poser: I thought we were done talking. I'm still mad. x_X
Leon Silvis: I just told you.
Leon Silvis: She hurt me, I'm not going to go cry to her about it.
kawaii poser: That's nice.
Leon Silvis: If she really values me as a friend, she can IM me
Leon Silvis: Herself.
Leon Silvis: I will respond to her
Leon Silvis: If she does.
kawaii poser: Alright.
kawaii poser signed off at 9:35:33 PM.
kawaii poser signed on at 9:35:44 PM.
Leon Silvis: But I really don't think that's reasonable for you to say
Leon Silvis: "She hurt you"
Leon Silvis: "Now you go and apologize"
Leon Silvis: She can IM me whenever the hell she wants.
Leon Silvis: I'm giving her a chance.
Leon Silvis: But I'm not going to ask her to give me a chance.
kawaii poser: Benson. Stop. talking.
Poll: Get rid of her?
1) Yes.
2) No.