I've never seen my foot turn that shade of purple. Wow.

Apr 19, 2013 17:31

This week has been... weird, to say the least.

First we had earthquakes. (I realize that these earthquakes are too weak to do any real damage, but it's still disconcerting to wake up from a deep sleep and wonder "why is the ground shaking?") I was complaining to my mother about how I signed up for tornadoes, not earthquakes, when I chose to live in Oklahoma... so of course, the next night we had thunderstorms and hail and tornadoes. I need to learn to keep my big mouth shut, apparently.

As for today, I can barely walk because I fell and injured my hip/leg this afternoon while I was walking around the neighborhood. Hobbling home is the most pain I've experienced in a long time... though that probably isn't saying much because I have a very low pain tolerance. Anyway, I am dosed up on Ibuprofin now. It hasn't taken care of all the pain, but it helps. I can now sit down and put a little bit of weight on the right side of my body without feeling like I want to cry. I still can't walk unassisted, but thankfully my parents happened to have crutches lying around the house, for some reason.

Also: screw that guy who saw me lying on the side of the street, then turned around, got in his car, and drove off. I don't expect everyone to rush to my aid, but an "are you okay?" or even a "why in the world are you lying on my neighbor's lawn?" would have been nice. Especially since, when I originally fell, I thought I might have broken or dislocated something and wasn't sure if I could make it home by myself. It's not like I was going to ask him to drive me to the hospital. All I wanted was to borrow his cell phone so I could call my parents and say "I've fallen and I can't get up. Would you mind bringing the car around when you have time? Here's my location."

Anyway, sorry for being a bad friend and not keeping up with my f-list. I'm not sure how long I'll be on the computer today (it depends on how long it takes my pain meds to wear off) but I'll try to reply to comments and journal entries sometime this weekend if I don't get around to it tonight.

In fandom news... Most of you have probably heard this by now, but the Mewtwo in the new movie is a lady! I am surprisingly okay with this. I would have preferred to see first movie Mewtwo again, but a new Mewtwo offers a valid explanation for why Mewtwo can now change forms, for one thing. More importantly, I'm highly amused that all those "there is another Mewtwo AND THIS ONE IS A GIRL!" fics are now canon-compliant. XD

ooooooklahoma, cry more, pokemon, complaining, i'm a moron

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