Just got back from Infusion Magazine & UGAnime Club meeting. This week is the actual schedule for the rest of the year so of course I have to make a post with my reactions. Because it's fun and all of you get the chance to tell me if you've seen any of these shows before.
7:00PM Kaleido Star: At first, I thought I was gonna hate it. It's a show about a girl who desperately wants to perform in a spectacular(ly gay) circus/interpretive dance studio called Kaleido Star. The strange opening song and sequence put me off it but after a while, the main character started to grow on me and the goofy Genki girl thing is oldhat, but not exasperating like I thought it would be. (Also, this show is replacing that atrocious RideBack so apparently everyone was sick of that show too.)
7:30PM Kuroshitsuji: Ironically, the episode they showed today is episode 14--the one I watched not two days ago. I'm supposed to catch up with Marg-kun so we can squee together on episode 21 tomorrow night. Got a lot of catching up to do since I'm on episode 15.
8:00 That Gundam Show I Don't Care About Enough To Remember The Name.
8:30 Nana: I was surprised and thrilled that they brought Nana back. I thought not that many people liked it but apparently enough did to keep it on the roster. Also, you lucky people get to see my reactions (that I wrote down since I had a notebook handy) live and in color from episode 34.
My Reaction--"I have decided Takumi can very calmly and kindly BURN IN HELL!!!!!!" (I missed two or three episodes so I don't know the whole story, but -SPOILER ALERT- Hachi is pregnant with either Nobu or Takumi's baby. Takumi up-and-decided that the two of them should get married and proceeded to tell Nana to GTFO. Hachi sat there and did nothing while he told her. YOU. GUTLESS. WORM. Oh, and that's not the worst part. Takumi takes Hachi into her room and starts fucking her while Nana is still in the goddamn apartment. Hachi finally protests but Takumi yells that he is the only one who's feelings she should care about any more. I cannot express to you the feministic rage that boiled up when he said that. YOU SELFISH MOTHERFUCKER I OUGHTA JUMP INTO THAT ANIME AND BEAT THE SEXY RIGHT OFF YOUR FACE YOU FUCKING ASS-HAT! Ahem. So yeah.)
-"No matter how shitty my life gets...at least it's not as FUCKED UP as the people in this show." Because...damn. This is why you don't sleep with people all willy-nilly. You get depressed and shit.
9:05 Eden of the East: OH. MY. GOD. Where do I even begin? Let's start with the fact that the first time we meet the boy protagonist, he is standing in the middle of Washington D.C. BUTT-NAKED with a gun and a super-advanced cell phone and he has no clue who he is. Through odd and rather Spike Spiegel-like behavior, he manages to keep a Japanese girl who wanted to try and throw a coin into the fountain of the White House from getting bothered by the cops and just oh God, I can't do it justice. This show is pure gold. I can tell from the first episode. It was hilarious in that "Who-what-why-what the fuck is going on?!" kind of way and I love the main guy character. He still has no clue who he is or who erased his memory but bless him, he's so funny and off-beat. For instance, the cops have been looking for him since, y'know, public indecency, and a lady cop holds out a picture and tells him to drop his pants so she can see if his junk is the same as in the blurry picture. AND HE ACTUALLY DOES IT. I lol'd. Muchly.
My Reaction--"Any show with male nudity in the first episode has my vote!"
9:30 Darker Than Black: I remember both Corisu and Marg telling me they lost interest in the show but...hell, I still haven't. Mainly because GOOD LORD is Hei sexy and also, I love the intricate complexities of his character. I'm way behind on episodes but today really reminded me how much I actually like that show, weird and unexplained as it may be. Also, HOLY FUCK WE FINALLY FIND OUT WHO THE BITCH IN THE BEGINNING CREDITS IS NEXT EPISODE. XD *fist pump*
My Reaction--"This show is a fucking downer--OH WAIT. *stares at the title*"
So there you go. The only show I will be skipping this semester is that Gumdam crap. This makes Kyo a very happy fangirl.
Sidenote: Okay, so I left my apartment way too late and rushed over to campus, parking at the Journalism building and fleeing for the Infusion meeting (which I made by only seconds). The parking space I chose is out of alignment with the rest of the others and I was crooked--bad, but not to the point where the cars next to me couldn't get out. Since I got to UGA, when I got back to my car there was a note that said: "Piss poor Parking! Get your shit together!" in an untidy scrawl of what I am 100% sure is a white male. Because, face it, white people in this particular city are very fond of passive aggressive notes. I'm not mad because, g'duh, I parked crooked--I'm just confused that Mr. Angry Dude actually cared enough to write a note. Really? Really? Does it matter that much that you took the time to write the note and stick in my windshield? Now if I was blocking the guy, sure. I wasn't. So...yeah. Then again, I'm happy I wasn't there when he was writing the note because I'm sure I would have gotten yelled at. Do you think if he saw me he would still yell, though? I am a small, harmless-looking black girl and he probably thought I was a dude since my car isn't the least bit girly. *shrugs*
The worst part is that it'll take me all night to stop thinking about the note because no matter how unimportant it is, I take any attack on my person or criticism personally. This is why I'm considering going into therapy if at all possible. I won't be able to get anywhere in life in my current state. Idk.
Shit. It's now 11:05PM. I have so much bloody work to do. Sound off when you have the time. Will probably make a post on FK tomorrow.