I know! He's just the sweetest little thing. I even got to help name him. First time around it was Jack Magnum Pierce because it's an effing awesome name but we settled on Max Magnum Pierce. He is going to be a great dog, I just know it. <3
Don't be TOO mad: I made my wrists tired from flipping through posters. Took forever but I was handsomely rewarded. Mm, Kain. He looks a little bit like Sanosuke from that angle too. ^3^
Comments 6
BTW, totes jealous of your Kain & Aidou poster. Wish I'd dug deeper in the pile now.
Don't be TOO mad: I made my wrists tired from flipping through posters. Took forever but I was handsomely rewarded. Mm, Kain. He looks a little bit like Sanosuke from that angle too. ^3^
And nice haul. I approve. *thumbs up*
Thanks! Still sad I couldn't see you, though. Mark my words, I will find a way! *determined faice*
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