Title: Seductive Repose, Smiles with Hesitation
inbrilliantgrey Rating: PG
Chapter: 1/1 (oneshot)
Disclaimer: I dont own Dir en grey, but if I did I wouldnt make Toshiya cry.
Summary: Toshiya feels depressed after Kyo cheats on him.
NOTE: Dude, im taking requests for more fics like this. Just list any songs you'd like to see, seriously.
Based on the song by Dir en grey 艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み
Also known as, Namamekashiki Ansoku, Tomadoi Ni Hohoemi
Translates into, Seductive Repose, Smiles with Hesitation.
Lyrics are bolded and italicized.
The unreachable, clear darkness of my hand
From the gaps between my fingers, I peer intently
In this world they are torn apart...red
My skinny arms and your beautiful lies
I lay next to the small man, dead silent. I couldnt breathe, I couldnt move. In hours I was going to hurt him. He had given me a dark colored band to wear on my ring finger. My promise to love him. I had returned the favor with a gold ring he had worn even to the shows. My heart feels red like the shades of my bedroom walls, once meant to signify energy and power. Now I just feel weak.
Wet in the rain
Is my lingering hope also a lie?
I can hear the thunder outside, beating a violent rage into the side of this apartment. I once beleived we were meant to be....but now my world seems foggy and grey...are the rumors true?
Circumventing in this dream of rotting away
the far-off, blurring sky only darkens...
Im going to die. I cant speak those words. He hurt me so much, yet I cant do the same. The sun should be rising, but all I hear is thunder and flashes of lightening.
My existence will continue to fade,
even if it is delayed, because...
In this circumstance, I cried in futility
Even now, I do not perceive because...
Only the frightening wind-bell splits the darkness
The tepid wind and my bated breath
I cant breathe, I roll to face you, innocently sleeping, dreaming. Once and insomniac, drifting to sleep in my arms was your only Tylenol PM, now you lay here. Sleeping deeply.
The warm salt begins to run trails of pain don my cheek in the darkest way. My body is shaking, but still you sleep. Numbness has been your greastest downfall, but now your only gift. Can you remain numb?
Circumventing in this dream of rotting away
the far-off, blurring sky only...
Im going to die...
And I will look back to last night
Never again...
The light has vanished
It can't be done...
Never again...
You touched me in so many ways. I cant beleive I let you. You had done it before, but not for me.
I wont.
When the lights turned out you did what you wanted.
I cant.
You said you loved me, but you said that before.
And everyone...all is vanishing
I scream, I live, and I persevered...
On the other side of the pain and darkness
Where the bell resides
Your eyes flutter open lightly, your whisper breaks in the thunder.
"I love you Toshiya"
I cant help but shake with violence, more and more...
You jerk awake...shocked, as if the lightning outside danced into your brain and electrocuted you.
"What?" Your hands seem to find my face with each flsh of lightning you press a firm kiss to my lips.
"Dont leave..." you breathe as I set up and away. I want to run, and never look back.
"You said, you wouldnt..."
You frown deeply from what I can see as the greyness of a rainy morning enters my window.
"At least I came home." You whisper against your tattoo'd hand. "I feel true regret."
Something about you s dark though. I cant read you.
"You havent even said sorry."
"I dont say sorry."
I lay back down. No real response to your statement. I just lay there.
Sleep seems to take me in a swift heist.
This is what its like to feel numb..