Title: Silly Kyo
Chapters: oneshot
melinen aka
daishimelGenre: general/romance
Disclaimer: The same old song aka no owning
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: KyoxToshiya
Synopsis: It is practice time and you are bored.
Comments: I felt like writing KyoxToshiya for a change. Hopefully someone likes it. ^^ (Warnings: the use of the second person pov. XD)
Silly Kyo )
Comments 6
It's sweet and it screams for more *-*!?
Hm, maybe? I just don't know how I could continue it... ^^;
I say you should go into maybe after the practice, and have Toshiya teach Kyo some bass ;DD
and maybe go into another practice or something where the imperfect Shinya and Die squabble and Kyo and Toshiya fix it.
Its a very very good drabble.
Hm, maybe. I have to see if I get the inspiration & the right state of mind to continue this one. Thanks for the ideas, anyway. :)
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