i need to change my jouranl title to something about work...hmmm..

Mar 06, 2007 14:27


I should start with this, I now work for a company that handles Pfizers PAP (prescription assistance program), and Ive noticed that most (forgive me folks) of the general american public isnt very bright...

1. S. H. in Commerce City, Colorado sent in an application and only bothered to fill in the top (their information) and didnt bother taking it to the doctor to have that part filled out or to get a prescription. WAKE UP, prescription assistance here!!

2. B. B. in Centralia, Illinois sent in a application for a pain med that requires extra steps, well they did the extra part and forgot the regular application, so they were sent a letter saying, "...never enrolled, please complete application..." So, I get it back today and GEE WHIZ BEEV, no application and had to send back the exact same letter. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES FOLKS!

3. St. Louis, Missouri (yes, I live here too, but at least I have common sense, most days.) A person crossed out "Black" under ethnic origin and wrote in "African Anerican" which in itself is fine, but then didnt bother to check any box, next to any ethnic origin. EGADS!

4. D. N. Choudrant, Louisiana sent letter stating that they forgot to send tax forms in, well, they sent us back that letter and their application, but no tax forms! HELLO!

5. P. M. Browns Mills, New Jersey was asked on their application if they filed Federal tax forms this year and they answered yes. If the answer is yes, the forms need to be attached to the application. Well, first, sent in with out tax forms and they got a "...no tax forms..." letter. They send it back with...GET THIS...STATE tax forms attached! CAN THEY READ IN NEW JERSEY???

6. And finally, from Temple, Texas that just made me laugh...a least name of "DeKock"!

Needless to say, wake up America and pay attention!

*steps down off soap box*
*drops $5.00 in the box*
*feels better now*


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