White chocolate is generally an abomination that doesn't deserve to call itself chocolate, but if you heat it up and dip strawberries in it, the nastiness melts along with the chocolate.
I bought three (3) dresses today. Goodness gracious me. One is a gloriously overblown black satin affair for the Cappies gala, and the second has got lace and a cameo pin, sort of Victorian in nature except short and vaguely slutty. And the third is a ridiculously adorable black with white polka-dots thing with a ribbon and everything. Sometimes I wear such cute things that I actually sicken myself.
Well, anyway. I watercolor-doodled Delirium.
(by the way, a pimp:
the_worlds_end for all your Sandmanly needs)
Well, she doesn't really look delirious enough, but ah well. I've got a sketch of Morpheus waiting to be painted as well... I'd say I'll do it this weekend but I know I won't because I'm going to do absolutely NOTHING this weekend and wear my new dresses and not go anywhere. I'm pretty excited.