Jul 29, 2006 19:17

quickety-quick post in which I succumb to that name meme thingy-thing.

1. Are you named after anyone? If so, explain.
...not really. as far as I know, anyway. there is no one else in my family named Katherine except for Aunt Kate, and though awesome she is not a blood relative and wasn't around yet when I was born. gahhh. it's such a stuffy, conservative-sounding name.
I used to be called Katie when I was wee, but then we moved when I was seven and I decided to change my name to Kat, because here EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER is named Katie.

2. Do you have your children's names picked out already? If so, is there any significance?
EXCUSE ME CHILDREN WHAT? the chances of me popping out a sprog or two are exceedingly low, but I do like to name things and I suppose you could consider some of my posessions children.
am quite fond of the names Anthony, Sebastian, James, etc., and also Meredith but MOST CERTAINLY NOT after that whingey twit title character on Grey's Anatomy.

3. If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name have been?
Travis, I gather. *hurrk*

4. If you could re-name yourself what name would you pick and why?
my mum was going to name me Kira after the main character in the novel We the Living. which I then read last summer and was vaguely annoyed by her, but the name is still very pretty.

5. Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do w/ your name constantly?
AHAHAHA. yes. Cat, constantly, which is understandable because it's my own fault for being Katherine with a 'k', Kate, also constantly (what? did you think I FORGOT the 'e' ON MY OWN NAME?), Katie, once Tat (wtf?), and on a couple memorable occasions, Matt.

am now reading and halfway finished with Steinbeck's East of Eden, and huwaah. consider my mind thoroughly blown. also the film adaptation, which I've been meaning to see for absolute AGES, has got James Dean in it, and well... I am unhealthily obsessed with James Dean.
definitely did not spend the equivalent of 33 bucks on a zippo with his lovely face on it.

still want a crack!doodle? DESPAIR NOT, FOR IT IS NOT TOO LATE.

books, meme

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