Title: Pygoscelis Profilerae
kyrdwynRating: FRT
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid
Words: 650
Spoilers: None
Author's Notes: for the June prompt at
criminal_prompt "Shut Up!"; All my penguin research came from Wikipedia, so don't quote me on it in papers, especially since I played with it. And I abuse Latin shamelessly (I can feel my high school Latin teacher giving me detention in absentia....)
Summary: Profilers and Penguin Lectures.
Aaron didn't look up from his book when Spencer flopped down on the couch next to him.
"Did you know that depending on which authority you subscribe to, there are between seventeen and twenty species of the modern penguin?"
Aaron quirked an eyebrow, but kept reading, keeping half an ear on Spencer.
"They're all members of the subfamily Spheniscinae, and divided into six genera."
Aaron idly wondered if Spencer had found the copy of Happy Feet Aaron had bought for Jack's last weekend visit, thus setting off this unexpected lecture on penguins.
"The Emperor and King penguins are part of the genus Aptenodytes. Emperor penguins, Aptenodytes forsteri, are the largest living species of penguin. Adults can reach up to three feet, seven inches tall and weigh seventy five pounds or more. The smallest species of penguin are the Little Blue Penguins, or Fairy Penguin, of the Eudyptula Genus. Little Blue Penguins, the Eudyptula minor, which are around sixteen inches tall and weigh about 2.2 pounds. There are debates as to whether or not the Northern Little Penguin, Eudyptula albosignata, is a color morph of Eudyptula minor or a seperate species of Eudyptula penguin."
Turning the page, Aaron bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling at Spencer and went back to concentrating on his book.
"Other genera of penguin include Pygocelis, or Brush tailed penguins, which include the Pygoscelis adeliae, or Adelie penguin, the Pygoscelis antarctica - the chinstrap penguin, and the Pygoscelis papua or Gentoo penguin. There's also the Spheniscus genus, or Banded penguins, the Megadyptes genus, and the Eudyptes genus, or Crested penguins."
Spencer's voice was a soothing background noise to Aaron's book.
"Personally, my favorite penguin species include the Aptenodytes Rossicus, or Great Rossi penguin, which researchers have discovered has a fondness for Italian foods and expensive nesting materials; the Eudyptes Garciae, which is one of the more colorful of the crested penguin species, frequently changing the colors of its plumage to match its mood and known for being flirtatious toward other penguin species. The Aptenodytes Morganus prefers to tackle its food--"
Aptenodytes Morganus? Aaron turned sharply to look at Spencer, who wasn't looking back. Aaron closed his book, reached over, and pulled Spencer into a kiss that stopped his impromptu penguin lecture. When they parted several moments later, a slow smile spread across Spencer's face.
"Three minutes, eighteen seconds. You must be getting inured to my lectures," he said, leaning in to brush his lips across Aaron's again.
"Mmmm. I could have gone longer, but you turned Morgan into a penguin." Aaron kissed his way up Spencer's jaw and nuzzled at his hair.
"And Rossi and Garcia, too, but I guess you missed that part," Spencer replied, his fingers curling into Aaron's shirt. "Too busy trying to break the record."
"Too busy trying to read," Aaron countered. He licked at Spencer's earlobe. "You didn't warn me there was going to be another round of the 'Spencer's going to ramble until Aaron shuts him up by kissing him' game."
Spencer shivered and turned to capture Aaron's lips with his again. "'S more fun when you don't know it's coming. If you had, I never would have gotten past the Aptenodytes forsteri."
"Any more talk of penguins, and I'm marching out the door," Aaron said, shifting on the couch as if to leave.
"Mmm. On your happy feet, I bet," Spencer said with a grin.
Dropping his book on the floor, Aaron slid both hands around the back of Spencer's neck and pulled him in closer. "Shut up and kiss me," he ordered.
"Just kiss?" Spencer asked, resisting Aaron's pull.
"Leave the penguins out of it, and you can do anything you want to me," Aaron murmured.
Spencer stopped resisting and leaned in. "Promises, promises," he murmured back before kissing Aaron again and driving any thoughts of penguins out of their minds for a long time.