Title: Thanksgiving Author: kyrdwyn Rating: G Pairing: None Spoilers: Minor for 5.03 "Reckoner" Universe: Blaze With the Glory Author's Notes: In first comment after the fic. Beta: None
Summary: Dave takes Spencer home for Thanksgiving.
This was a nice surprise! I agree with the idea that you should take more breaks from NaNoWriMo! Adorable without being too gooey..and I love the Rossi's! Thanks for sharing this with us!
Loved this. I have just gone back and read the verse, which I completely loved. It's a nice, original concept, that is written with genuine warmth and skill.
Nicely done indeed.
I have friend added you by the way, so I can keep up with your fic:)
Comments 33
Of course, now I want to see more kid!Spencer and Papa!Rossi- first words, first steps, first differencial equation ;)
Thanks so much for sharing, just awesome :D
Not sure I could keep up on the math enough to write kid!Spencer doing advanced math.
(The comment has been removed)
Glad you liked!
Nicely done indeed.
I have friend added you by the way, so I can keep up with your fic:)
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