Comment and I'll give you a letter. In your journal, list 10 of your favorite songs that begin with that letter.
I did the video link thing like Ivy because it was a good idea
1. Malleus Maleficarum - AFI
Although the live vids from a 1999 performance are spiffy, this features the song better. It's just the album cover. Seriously, though, check out the live version. I heard this song live in Feb, and it ROCKED!
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2. Miseria Cantare: The Beginning - AFI
When I heard this on Sing the Sorrow after only being familiar with Girl's Not Grey, I was like "whoa...who are these guys and what the hell kind of album did I just buy??" Obviously, the word "fantastic" answers both questions:
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3. Maybe - The Clarks
I love The Clarks! If I didn't have a prior engagement, I'd totally be at their free concert tonight (I may yet still). AND! The Clarks may indirectly be the reason I fell in love with AFI. I know. It makes sense in my head only :oD
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4. Masquerade - Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera
"TO THE NEW CHANDELIER"!!! Ugh, it's definitely not the same with the speed-up at the end, and it's all f'ed up since they jacked with the chandelier scene. Plus, Gerard and Emmy are fine and pretty, but they're no Michael and Sarah. the song
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5. Music of the Night - Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera.
Crawford and Brightman, baby, Crawford and Brightman
And holy curd, check out the 80's CHEESE!
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6. Mad World - Gary Jules (orig. Tears for Fears)
All I can think of is Donnie Darko
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7. MacArthur Park - Richard Harris
Yes, THAT Richard Harris. The late Richard Harris who was the original Dumbledore. This is like from the 60s.
"MacArthur's Park is melting in the dark/Oh the sweet, green icing flowing down/Someone left the cake out in the rain/I don't think I can take it/'Cause it took so long to bake it/And I'll never have the recipe again!/Oh NOOOOOOOOO!"
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8. Magus' Theme - ChronoTrigger RPG
This game kicked so much bee-hind. It was great. There's YouTube video with 14+ minutes of a battle with Magus. Granted, they other player had a smarter team than this one since he/she had a magic user for every element except Shadow, but he/she played like a complete pansy. No wonder he/she took so long to defeat Magus. Just ignore the game noises and listen to the background. That's the theme.
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9. Morrowind Theme - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind RPG
If you get nauseated watching shaky videos, I suggest enjoying this with your eyes closed. I'm sure whoever shot this tried, but tis a bit bouncy.
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10. Money for Nothing - Dire Straits
Dude, the cutting edge special effects of 1984! I don't remember the verse about the guy and the earring, then again I was focused on "teh 3-DEEEEEE" as a child cause it was "soooo kewwwwwl!". This was the same year Ghostbusters was released...and I saw that at the DRIVE-IN! Oi. What the hell?
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