I've been doing it for years now. Hiding it hoping no one ever figures out what I'm doing. I've seen the websites, I'm even a member on one or two. Still I feel like I can't tell people that I'm doing it too.
Ok Minds out of the gutter now... I'm talking about writing Fan Fiction. It's something I've done for years never once thinking that maybe someone else out there had a stack of notebooks, full of really lame stories, stuffed under their bed too. Even though I know other people do it I still feel the need to hide this aspect of myself from others. To the point that I actually dumped a guy for snooping through said notebooks. I'm a multi-fandom fan fiction addict. I don't write smut, well not much cause I'm bad at it. I just write stupid little stories that amuse me and sometimes others if I can bring myself to post them. So I'm trying to figure out why I am so compelled to keep this secret from most people I know, I mean it's not like I kill people, I'm not doing unspeakable things to farm animals in the basement, so why?
I'll ask you. #1 Do you do it? and #2 Do you hide it?