My mind is a strange place. During the day, when I'm supposed to be paying attention to work, (yeah I know who wants to pay attention to that) I'll slip off on these strange tangents that must be followed to their conclusion no matter how long it has to be pondered. Today's topic was The Big Bad Wolf, Villain or Victim?
Yeah I know. He ate the old lady, He ate the kid but he was the Big Bad Wolf, wasn't that kinda his job? Little Red Riding Hood on the other hand directly disobeyed her mother and enticed the Wolf. Shouldn't she be the villain? If she would have done as her mother told her, she would have never met the Wolf, who in turn would have never eaten her or her grandmother. Her disobedience led to ingestion for Granny and a trip to the Taxidermist for Wolfy. She had a choice in the matter and she chose the woods. The Wolf is ruled by instinct, who can really blame him for wanting to lunch up on a sweet little treat like Red when she practically walks up to his front door? Now If the Wolf were some backwoods pervert who stalked and "devoured" the little girl that would be different. But this is an animal, he can not be expected to operate with human morality. Yeah I know, I know, I'm picking apart a childrens fairy tale. Yes I realize that it's a cautionary tale to help condition children to obey their elders, buy I just think the Wolf got a raw deal. You always hear warnings that The Big Bad Wolf will eat you up, but you rarely hear a warning about Little Red Riding Hood luring you to your death. Like I said my mind is a very strange place.