Title: A Special Present
Pairing: Sooyoung/Kyuhyun
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
A/N: Merry Christmas :D
"Hyung." Yesung groaned as the maknae of Super Junior whined, tugging at his sleeve.
"Yes, may I help you?"
"Help me think of a christmas present to give Sooyoung." He pouted.
"How am I supposed to know?"
"Please help me, hyung!" Yesung ignored as he half dragged Kyuhyun from one end of the room to another.
"Why don't you get her a pet? Like how I love Ddangkoma." Yesung hastily said, staring fondly at his turtle.
"Thats a great idea hyung, thanks!"
However, the moment Kyuhyun stepped out of the room, a thought went into his head.
If Sooyoung likes the pet too much, she might ignore me and spend more time with it! Hmph. I'll have to ask someone else.
He stepped into the kitchen, where Ryeowook was baking his gingerbread cookies.
"Wookie ah, help me think of a christmas present for Sooyoung."
"Why don't you cook something for her? Then she'll be able to understand your effort and dedication."
"That's a great idea, thanks!"
However, the moment Kyuhyun stepped out of the room, another thought went into his head.
Oh great... I forgot that my cooking sucks.
"Cho, stop moving around, you're annoying me." The resident diva of Super Junior glared at his dongsaeng as he paced around the room.
"Heechul hyung, what do you think I should give to Sooyoung for christmas?"
Heechul looked thoughtful for a moment.
"You like Sooyoung, right?"
Kyuhyun nodded eagerly.
Heechul motioned Kyuhyun to come closer.
"Give her your virginity."
"WHAT? HYUNG!" Kyuhyun was so red he blended into the red curtains in Heechul's room.
"HAHA! I was kidding! Look at your face, Kyu!" Heechul gasped with laughter, clutching the sides of the table for support.
Becoming more serious, he thought again.
"Don't girls like stuff like rings or necklaces? You should get her one."
"Thats a great idea, thanks hyung!"
However, the moment Kyuhyun stepped out of Heechul's room, yet another thought sprung out of his head.
DANG. I spent too much money on that stupid starcraft game for myself, I can't even afford a ring for her.
With an air of desperation, Kyuhyun finally decided on his last consultant - the girls of SNSD themselves.
"Oppa, you called me?" Seohyun smiled as she sat down beside him in the canteen.
"Yes, I need you to help me. I want to give Sooyoung a special present. But I don't know what to give her. I've thought of everything - pets, food, rings, but I can't find the perfect present for her. You've got to help me, Seo." He almost begged.
Seohyun grasped her coffee cup thoughtfully.
"I've an idea." She suddenly grinned.
Kyuhyun immediately leaned forward. "What?"
She bent forward, and giggled as she told him his plan.
When she was done, he had a smile on his face.
"Bye girls! See you all tonight, or rather tomorrow! Merry Christmas!" Sooyoung waved as she stepped out of the dorm.
"Yah Soo, you're leaving me alone?" Jessica asked, annoyed.
"Of course, she's going out with Kyuhyun-oppa, and spending their night UNDER THE MISTLETOE" Yoona teased.
"YAH YOONA! We're just going out for a walk in the park!" Sooyoung wished her face wouldn't betray the sudden array of emotions she was feeling now.
"Yoona was just joking, unnie. Remember to have a good time and do accept oppa's present!" Seohyun called out as Sooyoung left.
"Hi, oppa." Sooyoung shivered slightly in the cold.
"Do you need a jacket?" Kyuhyun immediately took off his outer coat and placed it around the girl.
"Thank you. Aren't you cold?" She asked.
"I'm alright. I won't let such a beautiful girl freeze in the cold." He teased, causing her to blush.
They walked through the park in silence.
"Oppa, you told me you've got a surprise present for me."
Kyuhyun shifted uncomfortably. "Yes, I have."
Her eyes sparkled as brightly as the lights of a christmas tree.
"Can I have it now? Keke." She giggled playfully.
Kyuhyun took a deep breath. It was now or never.
"You'll have to promise that you'll accept it, no matter how much you won't like it, Choi Sooyoung." He suddenly said seriously.
Sooyoung merely laughed. "I'll love anything you give me, oppa."
He smiled. "Close your eyes, Soo." He said gently.
Sooyoung closed her eyes.
"Now, open."
She opened her eyes eagerly. But all she saw in front of her was Kyuhyun looking extremely shy and embarrassed.
"Uhh... oppa? My present?" She asked, confused.
"Would you accept me as your present? I really like you, Soo." He sad shyly.
Sooyoung gasped as she realised what he meant.
Her expression softened.
"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, oppa."
She giggled as he suddenly twirled her through the air. He stared at her breathlessly, and leant in...
"Oppa, no mistletoe, no kiss."
"You heard me." Sooyoung said slyly.
Without a second thought, Sooyoung suddenly felt herself being carrying bridal style, and Kyuhyun started running with her in his arms.
"Oppa? Where are you bringing me to?"
"To find the first mistletoe I can get hold of, damnit!"
Sooyoung giggled as she continued settling into Kyuhyun's embrace as he ran.
It was the best christmas ever.
Sometimes, the most priceless present comes free of charge, just like Kyuhyun's love for Sooyoung.
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope you enjoyed it! :D Please comment(: